Saturday, September 26, 2015

What Is The Most Dangerous Job In the U.S. Military?

Photo: US Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Scott Taylor

We Are The Mighty: The 10 most dangerous jobs in the US military

All jobs in the military carry real risks, but some jobs are much riskier than others. Here are 10 of the most dangerous:

WNU Editor: A friend of mine served in the U.S. Marines doing Pararescue. The stories that he has told me over the years .... wow. He convinced me years ago that Pararescue is the most dangerous job, because when you are called in you are going into a hot zone and (because of your size) you are the target for everyone. My father .... if he was alive .... would disagree. During the Second World War he served most of the time directing artillery units (because of his math education). As he told me .... you can spot the enemy and direct fire .... but the enemy can also do the same thing to you.


James said...

Your Dad had it right, there are no one way streets in war. The Paras have tough job. Going in over border to Laos or Cambodia to extract LRRPs when their support aviation couldn't do it and they were in bad touble....

James said...

Oh, one more, the original wild weasels in Nam. If you don't anything about them you should.

War News Updates Editor said...

The Wild Weasels of Vietnam .... yes .... definitely a very dangerous job

On a side note James. One of my father's many jobs was to keep track on how many U.S. air force planes were shot down by Soviet SAM systems in Vietnam. He relied more on clippings from the New York Times than on reports from the field on his tally. I still remember to this day the paper clippings that he had on his desk.