Thursday, October 8, 2015

Behind The Scenes With U.S. Special Forces

CNN: Behind the scenes with the commander of Special Ops

Fort Bragg, North Carolina (CNN)Some days Special Operations missions in international hotspots end in success and accolades, as when SEAL Team Six took out Osama bin Laden. These are the missions that tend to be memorialized by Hollywood scriptwriters and shape the image of Special Ops forces in the minds of Americans.

But some days end in tragedy and frustration.

"The toughest day that I ever had was when we lost a helicopter with a (Navy) SEAL troop on it and a number of our Afghan partners," said Gen. Joe Votel, the four-star head of the U.S. Special Operations Command, referred to as SOCOM. "Thirty-seven total souls, and we lost them in one night of operation."

WNU editor: This is interesting .... 10 things you might not know about U.S. Special Operations forces (CNN).

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