Thursday, October 8, 2015

The U.S. Military Will Soon Have Their 'Iron Man'Suit

CNN: U.S. military is on its way to getting its Iron Man

(CNN)After an American commando died kicking in a door during a raid in Afghanistan, the top commander of U.S. Special Operations vowed to prevent similar tragedies.

Two years later, the U.S. military is closer than ever to putting Iron Man on the front lines -- or at least something that closely mirrors the superhero's tech-forward suit of armor.

Unlike Hollywood's, the suit won't give its operator the ability to fly, but the real-life body armor may have one leg up on the fictional version: The military's suit will be made of liquid armor that can solidify on command.

Fitted with the protective gear -- the Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, or TALOS -- troops would be more lethal and better protected, particularly the vulnerable first soldier to breach a compound.

Update #1: The Department of Defense plans to unveil its Iron Man-style TALOS suit in 2018 -- Digital Trends
Update #2: U.S. Military To Deliver Its First Bulletproof, Weaponized Iron Man Suit In 2018 -- Tech Times

WNU Editor: Liquid armour .... what was science fiction in the past is reality of today.


James said...

I had considered you a man of uncommon sense, but the above video of Talos contains images of......Jeff Gordon. My world view is now in shattered pieces.

Bob Huntley said...

Back to the days of knights in shining armour.