Friday, October 9, 2015

Gulf Arabs Step Up Arm Supplies To The Syrian Rebels


BBC: Gulf Arabs 'stepping up' arms supplies to Syrian rebels

Saudi Arabia is responding to the recent Russian air strikes on Syrian rebels by stepping up its supplies of lethal weaponry to three different rebel groups, a Saudi government official has told the BBC.

The well-placed official, who asked not to be named, said supplies of modern, high-powered weaponry including guided anti-tank weapons would be increased to the Arab- and western-backed rebel groups fighting the forces of Syria's President Bashar al-Assad and his Russian, Iranian and Lebanese allies.

He said those groups being supplied did not include either Islamic State (IS) or al-Nusra Front, both of which are proscribed terrorist organisations. Instead, he said the weapons would go to three rebel alliances - Jaish al-Fatah (Army of Conquest), the Free Syrian Army (FSA) and the Southern Front.

WNU Editor: Expect anti-armor weapons, even more anti-aircraft missiles, and everything else under the sun. The different Syrian rebels groups are also now trying to coordinate their operations against the Syrian-Iran-Russian alliance .... Disparate Syrian Rebel Groups Likely to Increase Collaboration Against Russia (VOA).

More News On The Gulf Arabs Stepping Up Arm Supplies To The Syrian Rebels

Gulf states increase arms to Syrian rebels in counter to Russia airstrikes -- Al Jazeera
Saudi Arabia increasing weapon supplies to Syrian rebels following Russian airstrikes – report -- RT
Saudi Arabia Steps Up Arms Supplies to Syrian Rebels -- Sputnik

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If this happens ... the Houthis of Yemen will thank