Saturday, October 17, 2015

Henry Kissinger: Geopolitical Structure That Lasted For Decades Is Now In Shambles

Henry Kissinger: A Path Out of the Middle East Collapse

With Russia in Syria, a geopolitical structure that lasted four decades is in shambles. The U.S. needs a new strategy and priorities.

The debate about whether the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action with Iran regarding its nuclear program stabilized the Middle East’s strategic framework had barely begun when the region’s geopolitical framework collapsed. Russia’s unilateral military action in Syria is the latest symptom of the disintegration of the American role in stabilizing the Middle East order that emerged from the Arab-Israeli war of 1973.

In the aftermath of that conflict, Egypt abandoned its military ties with the Soviet Union and joined an American-backed negotiating process that produced peace treaties between Israel and Egypt, and Israel and Jordan, a United Nations-supervised disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria, which has been observed for over four decades (even by the parties of the Syrian civil war), and international support of Lebanon’s sovereign territorial integrity. Later, Saddam Hussein’s war to incorporate Kuwait into Iraq was defeated by an international coalition under U.S. leadership. American forces led the war against terror in Iraq and Afghanistan. Egypt, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States were our allies in all these efforts. The Russian military presence disappeared from the region.

WNU Editor: He is correct that the geopolitical structure that has existed in the Middle East for decades is now in shambles. But I disagree with his view that countries like Iran can be incorporated in a regional dialogue that will be amenable to our interests. Iran's mullahs have always been driven by their ideology, and that ideology .... especially the radical aspects of it .... have in the past been completely contrary to Western interests. On top of that .... the Sunni Arab states have also proven to be unreliable .... they have always had their own agenda, doubly so after the Iranian nuclear deal. Niall Ferguson in the above video is correct .... Kissinger has at times been an idealist, and it shows in this WSJ commentary.


Jay Farquharson said...

Mr. War Crimes has never held to an ideal in his life. It will be a great day for the world when he hangs like Mengele and Eichmann.

Dr. End of History should have his degree revoked, just like John Yoo.

The losers, chaos creators and world destroyers, with millions of victims to their world view are back on the front page,

What's next,

How to fix Iraq by Judith Miller?

Managing ethnic and tribal minorities, by Joseph Stalin?

Solving the Nationalist Jewish Zionist problem by Adolph Hitler?

My Pet Duck by George Bush II?

RRH said...

It could be said there was order in the Middle East due to US leadership.

So when do they start accepting accountabilty, or being held accountable, for the disaster it is today?

Why is it that everyone wants the title of boss until things go wrong?

Even after declaring, one after another, the atrocious actions that led up to this sad point, it's always someones else's fault or simply because the boss wasn't "showing leadership".

Why were Milosevic, Hussein and summarily executed Qaddafi held accountable for their crimes but,to date, not one single US or western leader even charged for the multiple violations of international law or (so called) human rights they've committed?

Want to know why things are in the s***s for the boss and his supposed enlightened rule? It is because others have taken note and are not inclined to think that the boss is as wonderful and beneficent as he leans on everyone to believe. Does this mean they are any better bosses? No. Does it mean the boss is due for a comeuppance. Hell yes. Given the circumstances, it's the only "justice" we can hope for as the boss's bullying abroad is certainly in keeping with his growing bullying at home.

And that's a sad statement about the state of affairs in the world today.

RRH said...


You forgot, "Truth and Democracy" by Stephen Harper.

I figure Stalin's book will be a best seller in Europe by Christmas.

RRH said...

From Wikipedia on the Nuremburg Trials.

The indictments were for:

Participation in a common plan or conspiracy for the accomplishment of a crime against peace

Planning, initiating and waging wars of aggression and other crimes against peace

War crimes

Crimes against humanity

Looks like a precedent was set to me.

War News Updates Editor said...

You are ahead of me RRH. The Blair-Bush-Iraq story is my 5:00 AM EST post.