Monday, October 5, 2015

Vice President Joe Biden Is Expected To Announce That He Will Run For The Presidency

CBS: Joe Biden could decide presidential run in the next week

Vice President Joe Biden is nearing a decision on whether to run for president, and it could come as early as within the next seven to 10 days, according to three people familiar with his deliberations.

Two of those people said he is leaning toward entering the race. Still, they caution that family considerations remain the overriding concern and would be the reason he doesn't run. His wife, Dr. Jill Biden, has said that should the vice president launch a bid for the Oval Office, "of course" she would "be on board."

Even if Biden decides to seek the Democratic nomination before the party's first debate on Oct. 13, he likely would not participate, sources told CBS News.

Update #1: Biden to announce 2016 decision within days: report -- The Hill
Update #2: Will he or won’t he? Biden still trying to decide. -- Washington Post

WNU Editor: In August I told a group of Russian U.S.-watchers that Vice President Biden was going to run to win the Democrat nomination for the Presidency ... and there is a very good chance that he will win it. They thought I was nuts. The reasons for my prediction still hold for today .... Hillary Clinton is not a good candidate, she does not galvanize the grass-roots, and she has too much negative baggage that she just cannot shake-off. Bernie Sanders may have a lot of appeal to the grass-roots .... but the Democrat establishment will never support a candidate who has made it very clear that he would target many of the wealthy donors and backers of the Democrat party with tax increases and regulations. Hence Biden .... and I am willing to bet that Presdient Obama will go out of his way to support him. As for Hillary Clinton ... she should not feel left out .... Jeb Bush's campaign is not taking off either .... This chart should scare the heck out of Jeb Bush (Washington Post).

1 comment:

RRH said...

Oh goody gum drops. ... I guess it's time to add Ukrainian energy to my investment portfolio.