Monday, October 5, 2015

What A War Between The U.S. And Russia Would Look Like


Andrew Tilghman and Oriana Pawlyk, Military Times: U.S. vs. Russia: What a war would look like between the world's most fearsome militaries   

Vladimir Putin's brazen moves in Syria and Ukraine raise new questions about America's contingency plans.

Early on the morning of Sept. 30, a Russian three-star general approached the American embassy in Baghdad, walked past a wall of well-armed Marines, to deliver face-to-face a diplomatic demarche to the United States. His statement was blunt: The Russia military would begin air strikes in neighboring Syria within the hour — and the American military should clear the area immediately.

It was a bout of brinksmanship between two nuclear-armed giants that the world has not seen in decades, and it has revived Cold War levels of suspicion, antagonism and gamesmanship.

With the launch of airstrikes in Syria, Russian President Vladimir Putin instigated a proxy war with the U.S., putting those nation's powerful militaries in support of opposing sides of the multipolar conflict. And it’s a huge gamble for Moscow, experts say. “This is really quite difficult for them. It’s logistically complex. The Russians don’t have much in the way of long-range power projection capability,” said Mark Galeotti, a Russian security expert at New York University.

WNU Editor: Any major conflict with Russia will go nuclear within 24 hours .... and to put it bluntly .... there will be no winners.

1 comment:

Bob Huntley said...

Mega contrails over Canada.