Thursday, November 12, 2015

The EU Migrant Crisis Is About To Get Worse .... A Lot Worse

Alessandro Bianchi / Reuters

William Hague, The Telegraph: The migrant crisis is a mere gust of the hurricane that will soon engulf Europe

Huge population growth in Africa and Asia makes it imperative the EU manages its borders — and promote stability abroad

A major study published recently found that many members of the public can forecast economic and political events at least as accurately as the experts, and that some of them do consistently better than the pundits and economists we always turn to for advice.

Pollsters proved hopeless at forecasting our general election, and economists had little clue that the price of oil would plummet at the end of last year. It is a lesson of the modern world that having more data does not inevitably mean more accurate forecasting.

Yet the leaders gathering in Malta today to discuss Europe’s migration crisis will only make rational decisions if they pay close attention to the one area of forecasting which can be more accurate – the growth or decline of populations. If they do not, they risk repeating some of the serious errors they have already made.

WNU Editor: William Hague sees the trend lines .... he knows that what Europe is experiencing now will not compare to the tens of millions who will be wanting to come in the years to come.

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