Saturday, December 26, 2015

Commentaries, Analysis, And editorials -- December 26, 2015

Daniel Schearf, VOA: Putin’s Policy Expands Russia’s Influence, But at a Cost

MOSCOW - Russia’s airstrikes in Syria thrust it to the center of global efforts to tackle terrorism, refugees and a peace deal with Damascus.

"In the beginning of the year, Russia had no say in world affairs, with exception of the point where it was completely necessary, absolutely necessary to resolve the crisis created with its participation,” said Alexander Baunov with the Carnegie Moscow Center. "By the end of the year, we see that Russia’s place in the world is pretty much different."

Russia says it began bombing terrorists in Syria in late September, but it is accused mainly of targeting moderate rebels opposed to its ally, Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 26, 2015

The Challenge of Jihadi Cool: ISIS’s countercultural appeal is real. And it must be taken seriously. -- Simon Cottee, The Atlantic

Only Saudi Arabia can defeat Isis -- Nawaf Obaid, The Guardian

Addressing fault-lines within the Saudi-led coalition -- Sultan Barakat, Al Jazeera

Making Sense of the Mess in Yemen -- Michael Curtis, American Thinker

This Was the Year That Iran Finally Started to Come in From the Cold -- Avi Asher-Schapiro, VICE News

Iran delusional about its oil potential -- Mansour Kashfi,

Saudi Arabia is killing the Russian economy in its fight to control oil prices -- Jim Edwards, Business Insider

Afghanistan a Year After "Transition": Losing the War at Every Level -- CSIS

Afghanistan After America's War -- Lisa Curtis, National Interest

An Unexpected Stop in Pakistan: The visit by Narendra Modi is the first by an Indian prime minister since 2004. -- Krishnadev Calamur, The Atlantic

3 ways an Asian war could erupt -- Asia Times ditorial

Who is running Algeria? Power struggle leads to rumours President Abdelaziz Bouteflika has been ousted and secretly replaced by his brother in a ‘soft coup’ -- John Hall, The independent

Madagascar Wakes Up to ISIS -- Stephen Rakowski, National Interest

Post Gaddafi Libya Splits Up into Five Regional Factions -- Chris Tomson, Global Research

If you are Putin, what’s the most important event of 2015? -- RT

Talking Points: Putin's Best Statements in 2015 -- Sputnik

The Myth of Russia’s Containment -- Kirk Bennett, American Interest

Fight Over Churches Reflects Ukraine’s Psychological Split From Russia -- James Marson, WSJ

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