Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 8, 2015

Stephen Collinson, Kevin Liptak and Deirdre Walsh, CNN: Will any of Obama's ISIS proposals succeed?

Washington (CNN)President Barack Obama's televised address on ISIS on Sunday night was meant to calm the public's escalating fears of terrorism, to chide 2016 candidates about explosive rhetoric over waging war and the place of Muslims in society and to defend his own efforts to combat the extremist group.

Whether it succeeded on any of those counts may depend where observers sit on the polarized U.S. political spectrum. But while it was largely a stay-the-course speech rather than one that heralds swift or significant changes to the anti-terrorism approach Obama has pursued throughout his presidency, the President did make several proposals and highlight some evolution in how the United States will go after ISIS in Syria and Iraq.

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- December 8, 2015

How to Defeat ISIS Now—Not ‘Ultimately’ -- John McCain and Lindsey Graham, WSJ

ISIS Is Winning the Recruitment War as Foreign Fighters Flow into Syria -- Martin Matishak, Fiscal Times

NYT: Muslims are 25 times more likely to commit terrorist attacks -- Ed Straker, American Thinker

The Assad ultimatum: Unless the issue of Assad's future is tackled early on, the Vienna talks will lead nowhere. -- James Denselow, Al Jazeera

The US May Have Just Attacked the Assad Regime for the First Time -- Avi Asher-Schapiro, VICE News

Stakes in Syria much higher for Putin than Obama -- Walter Pincus, Washington Post

Washington, Baghdad on different pages in fight against IS -- Susannah George, AP

Boko Haram is Wounded and Dangerous -- Max Siollun, Foreign Policy

China Base in Djibouti Reflects Economic, Africa Strategy -- Jill Craig and Shannon Van Sant, VOA

A Costly Corridor: How China and Pakistan Could Remake Asia -- Fahad Shah, Foreign Affairs

US Makes Latest Strategic Chess Move In Southeast Asia – Analysis -- Bruno De Paiva, Eurasia Review

As Russia’s economy shrinks, Vladimir Putin softens his tone -- The Economist

Le Pen Wins on Economy, Not Xenophobia -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

Making Venezuela's Vote Count -- Bloomberg editorial

A look at the man who might be Venezuela's next president -- Peter Wilson, Special for USA TODAY


Unknown said...

"Obama vows to overcome terror threat."

Now, I know why he stood up behind the podium.

He was doing "stand-up".

jj said...

I knew as soon as i seen a comment posted about clueless Barry,it would be Aizino ..

Unknown said...

Thanks jj.

Unknown said...

Barry is just born a red diaper baby. He looks positively normal compared to my spouse. My spouse comes from strange culture. I don't dislike Barry because of his color, ethnicity or communism.

I dislike Barry because he is a Bolshevik among many other faults. The Hutterites practice small c communism. It actually seems to work. I am prepared to say it works. But as far as I know there is a critical psychological threshold of when it works. It works with 150 workers or less. Psychologists have done some studies. The Hutterites have empirically found that threshold. Their communities fission when they get above the 150 threshold.

My spouse BTW was invited to join the communist party. I take that as a plus. TO some extent I have no problem with communism. You can collectivize to be become communist. you can privatize to become capitalist. So long it is a 2 way street I have less problems with it.

My problem with Barry is that he is incompetent. He would not make a good accountant, actuary, engineer or much of anything. He has not run the numbers. He just believes that he knows better. That makes him a dangerous idiot. I don't think he has been in a fist fight either. I would not want a habitual pugilist to be president, but I don;t want someone who has forever been sheltered to be president either.

I do like Putin more than Barry. Putin grew up scrapping. With Putin I know what I get. With a passive aggressive twit like Obama you have a weather vane.