Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Iraq's 48 Hour Ultimatum To Turkey To Pull Back It's Troops Has Expired

Reuters: Iraq at U.N. plays down dispute with Turkey over troop deployment

Iraq asked NATO on Tuesday to put pressure on alliance member Turkey to withdraw its troops immediately from northern Iraq after Ankara said it would not deploy any more but refused to pull out those already there.

The arrival of a heavily armed Turkish contingent near the frontline close to Mosul has added yet another controversial deployment to a war against Islamic State that has drawn in most of the world's major powers.

"NATO must use its authority to urge Turkey to withdraw immediately from Iraqi territory," Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said in a statement, posted after a 48-hour deadline set by Baghdad for a withdrawal of the troops expired.

WNU Editor: The 48 hour ultimatum has passed, and Turkish forces are still in Iraq. I also do not expect any response from NATO on Iraq's request to tell fellow-NATO member Turkey to leave.

More News On The Growing Rift Between Iraq And Turkey On Turkish Forces In Northern Iraq

Iraq calls on NATO to force withdrawal of Turkish forces -- Rudaw
Turkey halts troop deployment to Iraq but will not withdraw -- DW
Tensions Grow Between Turkey and Iraq -- WSJ
Baghdad ultimatum to Ankara expires, Moscow to discuss Turkish military invasion at UNSC -- RT
Russia: Presence Of Turkish Forces In Iraq 'Unacceptable' -- RFE
Protesters in Baghdad call for withdrawal of Turkish troops from northern Iraq -- Euronews
Why is Turkey stirring the Iraqi cauldron? -- Semih Idiz, Al-Monitor


jj said...

Ask Putin to remove them, I'm sure there's no shortage of Russian pilots who would like to do just that ..

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

A deeper look at the issues:


Turkey's troops arn't going anywhere, soon.

Anonymous said...

Why do I have a feeling that an Iranian military presence near Mosul might make the Turks move away. If not, there will be an incident soon enough.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Iraky kurds inside turkey maybe .....

War News Updates Editor said...

Thank you for the link Jay. Yup .... water was an issue between Turkey and Iraq when Saddam Hussein was in power. It is the only leverage that Turkey has over Iraq .... but shutting down the flow of water will create a refugee crisis that would make today's refugee crisis minor in comparison.

Jay Farquharson said...

Barzani's Kurds have a "deal" with Turkey, where in they allow Turkish incursions against the PPK, in exchange for illegally smuggling out Kurdish oil.

The Turks are there "training" a minute Sunni "Militia" with long criminal ties to Turkey, composed of "local" Police who ran away from ISIS two years ago and have no interest in fighting ISIS.

The Iranians and Shia Militia are far enough away to the south, and would have to engage Kurdish Peshmurga to "target" the Turks.

ISIS has no interest in targetting their sponsors the Turks, and are pretty much the only group capable of creating an "incident".

Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Ergodan is quite desperate and unhinged, and has demonstrated no qualms about using refugees as weapons and blackmail.

This situation won't be resolved quickly. Erdogan, Quatar and the U.S. arn't going to give up on the project, and Iraq and Iran are not going to allow the project.

In the short term, Iraq will turn even more to Russia and Iran.

In the long term, if the Shia Militia's and the Iraqi Army retake Mosul, then the stalemate will be resolved in Iraq's favour.

War News Updates Editor said...

Jay. I have already prepared a post on Mosul that will be published later. Mosul will be retaken .... but not with U.S. help.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

Thanks for the Intel.

Unknown said...

I give ISIS 6 to 12 months to go in Iraq (maybe a little longer in Syria).

I do not see them hitting back in Iraq. Sheer weight of numbers seem to be against them. The Iraqi Shia have stiffened.

Jay Farquharson said...


The OIR Group have no interest in an ISIS defeat, they are too valuable as a point of pressure on a weak Iraq, and as an anti-Assad Force, and their incursions into Yemen, Lybia, Nigeria and Afghanistan are too "usefull".

Only the R+6 group is interested in wiping out ISIS, no matter how many Paris, Beruit or San Bernadino attacks they carry out.