Monday, December 7, 2015

Islamic State Inspired Attacks: Six Countries, Six Attacks, At Least 525 Killed This Fall

(Click on Image to Enlarge)

NBC: The ISIS Trail of Death

Since October 10, ISIS and its sympathizers around the world have killed at least 525 people in six attacks in six countries outside its so-called caliphate. American counterterrorism officials say that of the six attacks, three were directed by ISIS from its territory in Syria and Iraq and another two were so-called "announcement" attacks -- local ISIS elements revealing their existence in dramatic fashion. Though one of the two people who carried out the final attack, the massacre in San Bernandino, swore allegiance to ISIS, officials are still determining the extent of any relationship she and her husband might have had with the terror group.

WNU Editor: This is hard to stomach .... some are advocating that now is the time to negotiate with the Islamic State .... Negotiate With ISIS: It’s not an alternative to fighting. It's necessary to do both. (Jonathan Powell, The Atlantic).


Unknown said...

!Obama esta bobo!

Anonymous said...

The moment you formally begin to negotiate with the Islamic State, they come even closer to true statehood.

Troubling - it conducts itself as a country, and (if negotiations do take place), talks like a country as well.

The more legitimacy the Islamic State projects, the more professional it seems - recruits will pour in. This isn't hiding in the mountains of Afghanistan, this is living in cities and towns with currency, a legal system, law enforcement, necessities (food, water, shelter), etc... certainly the more attractive of the two.

Some would-be members would perhaps begin to see it as a legitimate emigration rather than running off to join this group that is merely holding onto some land.

Philip said...

I called it some months ago.