Saturday, December 26, 2015

Islamic State Ranks Are Being Filled By Young Followers From The West

Wall Street Journal: French Children Add to ISIS Ranks

Some young men and women leave France to start families in Syria, according to those who study the radicalization of French residents

NICE, France—Valérie Aubry-Dumont got the news in a WhatsApp message from deep inside Islamic State territory. “Mom, you’re going to be a grandmother,” wrote her teenage daughter, Cléa.

When Ms. Aubry-Dumont last saw her daughter, Cléa was a 16-year-old girl attending Catholic school in a Paris suburb. After a breakup, Cléa met a young man online and within months the couple fled France to live in a stretch of northern Syria ruled by Islamic State.

“I wish Cléa never had children,” Ms. Aubry-Dumont, a child-care worker, says now that her grandson has been born. Her daughter talks some days of returning to France, Ms. Aubry-Dumont said, but is afraid of losing her baby if she tries to leave. “She is trapped.”

In France, the West’s biggest supplier of foreign fighters in Syria, the loss of sons, daughters and grandchildren to Islamic State has been a slow-motion tragedy. For some French families, the Paris attacks, while deepening the wedge between militants and the West, were a painful reminder of their ties to the enemy.

WNU Editor: This radicalization of young people all but guarantees that this is going to be a long term problem for the Middle East .... and more specifically for the West when these young "converts"  return home.

1 comment:

hurhur said...

letting them return home is a mistake. why not track them out of their home countries, infiltrate, gather intel, and insert carpet bomb/jdam/etc..
*civilian deaths are on the hands of the terrorist force that hides within the population, not the attacking force that is attempting to eradicate evil.