Saturday, December 26, 2015

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 26, 2015

A Su-34 multifunctional strike bomber of the Russian Aerospace Force takes off from the Hemeimeem Air Base in the Syrian province of Latakia. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / Reuters

RT: Pentagon refuses to share intel on ISIS until Moscow’s stance on Assad changes

Washington will not share intelligence data on Islamic State positions in Syria and will not accept Moscow’s offer to cooperate on rooting out terrorism until Moscow changes its position on Syrian President Bashar Assad’s future, the Pentagon said.

Ever since the start of the Russian campaign in Syria in late September, Moscow has been offering to share information with the US-led coalition against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL), urging Washington to reciprocate. After months of extensive diplomatic efforts by the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Defense, and the Kremlin, the Pentagon is still refusing to enter the proposed cooperation.

Military And Intelligence News Briefs -- December 26, 2015

DoD Rejects Russian Proposal to Share Intelligence on Daesh Positions -- Sputnik

How the RAF is helping Iraqi forces to retake Ramadi from Islamic State -- The Telegraph

France Plans More Anti-ISIS Surveillance Flights -- Defense News

Super Sub: Russia’s Next 'Boomer' to Keep Whole World Covered -- Sputnik

Russian Navy gets new rescue ship -- TASS

Russian airbase in Armenia starts flight calibration of combat helicopters -- TASS

The new Cold War? Russia sends troops and missiles to the Arctic as Putin stakes a claim for the region's oil and gas reserves -- Daily Mail

Chinese aircraft carrier stages drills near Korean Peninsula -- Yonhap News Agency

China's Aircraft Carrier More Combat Effective -- Maritime Executive

The Emerging China-Kazakhstan Defense Relationship -- The Diplomat

Chinese naval hospital makes first stop in South America -- AP

China’s Military: What It Means for Markets -- Barron's editorial

Confusion, corruption among Afghan forces hit Helmand defense -- Reuters

Taliban denies sharing ISIL intelligence with Russia -- Al Jazeera

The most important arms deal you've never heard -- Michael Kugelman, War On The Rocks

North Korea's Upgraded Nuclear Missile Could Reach the West Coast -- Popular Mechanics

Egypt Receives First Submarine from Germany -- Egyptian Streets

Israel law renews hot debate on army service for ultra-Orthodox -- AFP

Australian submarine fleet could come in $5bn cheaper – report -- The Guardian

South Australia wants 12-submarine build back on agenda after costings report -- ABC News (Australia)

Defence minister backs off Liberals campaign promise of refusing to buy ‘expensive’ F-35 jets -- National Post/Bloomberg

Marine Corps commandant has full agenda in 2016 -- Marine Times

Army BCT cuts, reorganization coming as service loses 40K more soldiers -- Army Times

USA won’t fly troops into battle aboard pilotless helicopters -- Flight Global

Obama says six U.S. troops killed in Afghanistan attack were 'outstanding' -- Reuters

Air Force reinstates pilots disciplined over Miley-themed texts, reps hail decision -- FOX News

How chemists plan to sniff out bombs -- BBC

IRRADIATED: The hidden legacy of 70 years of atomic weaponry: At least 33,480 Americans dead -- Rob Hotakainen, Lindsay Wise, Frank Matt and Samantha Ehlinger, McClatchy Washington Bureau

Future Wars Could Be Nightmare Scenario for U.S. Military -- Steven Metz, WPR

The 13 Funniest Military Memes of the Week 12/24/15 --

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