Friday, December 25, 2015

Israeli Defense Official: Hezbollah Has 100,000 Rockets And Is Developing A Naval Warfare Capacity

Smuggled Iranian missiles (illustration)Yehuda Ben Itach/Flash 90

Algemeiner: Hezbollah Developing Naval Warfare Capacity, Arsenal Has 100,000 Rockets, Says Senior Israeli Defense Official

Hezbollah has more than 100,000 rockets in its arsenal, Israeli Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Gilad told Israeli news website nrg in an exclusive interview on Friday.

Gilad, who is director of the Political-Military Affairs Bureau at the Israeli Defense Ministry, also told nrg that the Lebanese-based terrorist group and archenemy of Israel’s has been building up its capacities for naval warfare, including acquiring Russian anti-ship P-800 Oniks missiles, also known as the Yakhont.

These missiles can be used against maritime and land targets, but also offshore gas rigs, said Gilad, a reference to Israel’s nascent and lucrative natural gas infrastructure.

WNU Editor: Aside from threatening offshore Israeli oil and gas platforms, my guess is that Hezbollah wants something like this to happen .... Islamic State Video Footage Shows Missile Hitting Egyptian Navy Ship In The Mediterranean.

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