Monday, December 14, 2015

Pressure Builds In Brazil To Impeach President Rousseff

NYTProtests Continue in Brazil Against Dilma Rousseff

RIO DE JANEIRO — Thousands of protesters took to the streets again across Brazil on Sunday to demand the ouster of President Dilma Rousseff, who faces impeachment proceedings that could drag on for months while her government struggles to lift the economy from its most severe crisis in decades.

The protests appeared to be smaller than earlier demonstrations calling for her ouster, perhaps offering some comfort to the beleaguered president. Even so, the vitriol expressed by many protesters, including calls by some for the armed forces to remove Ms. Rousseff, reflect the increasing polarization in the country that is making it harder for her to govern.

“We need a military coup,” said Sonia Alves Brito, 67, a teacher at a day care who joined a march through the seaside district of Copacabana in Rio de Janeiro. “Brazil was better off during the military dictatorship.”

More News On Sunday's Demonstrations In Brazil To Impeach President Rousseff

Brazilians take to streets to demand Rousseff's impeachment -- Reuters
Brazil impeachment protests downsized but still determined -- AFP
Protesters rally in cities across Brazil to demand impeachment of President Dilma Rousseff -- AP
Rousseff Critics Stage Rallies as Brazil Congress Watches -- Bloomberg
Brazil protesters rally for impeachment -- DW
Brazilians Stage Protests to Pressure Lawmakers on Rousseff Impeachment -- WSJ
Brazilian protesters demand president’s impeachment -- Washington Post

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