Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev: 'Su-24 Downing Gave Grounds For War

Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev gives an interview on the work of the Russian Government to Russian television journalists in a live broadcast of the In Conversation with Dmitry Medvedev program. December 9, 2015. © Ekaterina Shtukina / Sputnik

RT: Su-24 downing gave grounds for war, but Russia decided against symmetrical response – Medvedev

The downing of a Russian Sukhoi bomber by the Turkish Air Force was sufficient reason to start a war, but Moscow chose not to respond symmetrically, says Russia’s Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev.

“What did 20th-century countries used to do in a similar situation? A war began,” Medvedev said on the ‘Talk to the Prime Minister’ TV program.

Medvedev said Ankara had “violated the norms of the international law,” giving Russia what’s called in international judicial language ‘a casus belli’, or a reason to start a war.

Update: Russia discussed declaring war on Turkey after jet was shot down but decided against it (Mirror)

WNU Editor: This is the first time that we are officially hearing a top Russia official admitting that discussions on declaring war against Turkey did happen in the Kremlin.

1 comment:

Buick93 said...

Sorry, but Russia is not going to go to war with Turkey. Russia would have to be out of it's fucking mind to try anything other than a proportional response.
Turkey on it's own would be more then a match for Russia, at least in a defensive war.
Plus there's that whole NATO thing.