Wednesday, December 9, 2015

US Army Officer: 'It Will Take 10 Years To Recapture Mosul From The Islamic State'

Zero Hedge: It Will Take 10 Years To Recapture Mosul From ISIS, US Army Officer Says

When Mosul fell to ISIS in June of 2014, the world was shocked that the group - which at that juncture, was just beginning to make a name for itself - could possibly have overrun the US-trained and armed Iraqi army to take control of the country’s second-largest city.

"The city fell like a plane without an engine," a Mosul businessman who fled to Erbil said at the time. "They were firing their weapons into the air, but no one was shooting at them."

That account reinforces the notion that the Iraqi regulars effectively ran away in the face of the ISIS advance. Here’s what Ash Carter said after Ramadi fell: “The Iraqi forces just showed no will to fight. They were not outnumbered. In fact they vastly outnumbered the opposing force and yet they failed to fight and withdrew from the site...We can give them training, we can give them equipment. We obviously can’t give them the will to fight.”

WNU Editor: More evidence that the U.S. is not committed to the destruction of the Islamic State.

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