Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Congressional Report: Gaining The Release Of Bowe Bergdahl With 5 Top Taliban Leaders Was Done Purely For Political Reasons


Shane Harris & Nancy A. Youssef, Daily Beast: Congress: Bowe Bergdahl Swap Was FUBAR

The Pentagon insists that trading an American captive for five Taliban fighters was the ‘best deal we could get.’ An unreleased congressional report says that’s nonsense.

A new congressional report is critical of the Obama administration’s decision to trade five Taliban prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay for Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl. And the report ascribes a political motivation to the prisoner swap, according to two sources familiar with the document’s contents.

Administration officials have long said that the exchange of Taliban prisoners for Bergdahl, who disappeared from his base in eastern Afghanistan in 2009 and was held for five years by a Taliban affiliate, was conducted under a long-standing tradition of trading prisoners at the end of military hostilities.

WNU Editor: Duhhhh ....

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