Wednesday, December 9, 2015

U.S. To Conduct 'Serious Review' Of Latest Iran Missile Test

New York Times: U.S. Cautious on Iran Missile Test Claim

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration is facing another difficult choice with Iran: As Tehran takes apart much of its nuclear infrastructure to win sanctions relief, how vocally should the White House condemn Iranian violations of United Nations resolutions on other issues?

Based on the first responses Tuesday to reports that Iran had conducted yet another launch of a medium-range ballistic missile, the answer appears to be not very loudly.

Samantha Power, the United States ambassador to the United Nations, said that Washington was “conducting a serious review of the reported incident.” She said that if the review determined that the test occurred, the United States would take the issue up with the Security Council.

WNU Editor: A "serious review" ?!?!?! The Iranians are very open on what they have done ... what is there to review?

More News On Iran's Latest Missile Test

US conducting 'serious review' of latest Iran missile test -- FOX News
U.S. conducting 'serious review' of alleged Iran missile test -- Reuters
U.S. conducting ‘serious review’ of alleged Iran missile test -- Washington Post
US Examines Reports of Iranian Missile Test -- VOA
Iran Test-Fires Another Missile, U.S. Says -- WSJ
US official: Iran tested another ballistic missile in November -- AP
Iran tests another mid-range ballistic missile in breach of UN resolutions -- FOX News
Iran violated nuclear deal with second ballistic missile test last month, U.S. officials say -- UPI

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Serious Review.....Bet the Iranians are quaking in their sandals!!