Washington Post: FBI takes lead on investigating armed takeover of federal building in Oregon
BURNS, Ore. — The FBI has taken charge of the law enforcement response to an armed occupation of a federal wildlife refuge in Oregon, saying that it will work with local and state authorities to seek “a peaceful resolution to the situation.”
“Due to safety considerations for both those inside the refuge as well as the law enforcement officers involved, we will not be releasing any specifics with regards to the law enforcement response,” the FBI said in a statement.
Federal authorities are working with the Harney County Sheriff’s Office, the Oregon State Police and other local and state agencies in response to the situation in eastern Oregon, the latest chapter in an ongoing fight over federal land use in the West.
WNU Editor: I am not that familiar with this case. I know that it is receiving a lot of coverage in the U.S. media .... and I will update it as this story develops.
More News On The FBI Taking The Lead On Investigating The Militia Takeover Of A Federal Building In Oregon
FBI seeks peaceful end to occupation at Oregon wildlife refuge -- Reuters
Feds Monitor Armed Group in Oregon, but Keep Their Distance -- AP
Oregon Ranchers Expected to Report to California Prison Amid Armed Standoff -- ABC News
Meet Ammon and Ryan Bundy, the Activists Leading the Oregon Standoff -- NBC
Oregon militia takeover: How did we get here? -- Rick Jervis and Emily Brown, USA TODAY
Is the Oregon standoff the inevitable result of anti-government rhetoric? -- Paul Waldman, Washington Post
I have as much sympathy for this group as I did with the Occupy characters. Also this group is full of fakes re:
So we have the Federal Bureau of Investigation doing local law enforcement on federal land.
WNU Editor,
It's Y'allQuida in the US, y'all.
It's the ususal mix of Wise Use, Soveriegn Citizen, Anti-Fed nut jobs, including the Bundies, standing up for some petty criminals,
Against the evil, overreaching Fed's.
A buncha' bulls@@#.
They should move to western Ukraine.
The hilarious part of it is the "Wise Use" Movement is a timber/oil/mining AstroTurf organization set up to use wedge issues between local communities and leaseholders, and the BLM,
To get Federal Land moved out of "public ownership" into Corporate Ownership.
BTW, they are being mocked on Twitter as WhiteISIS.
the bundy family is fighting a losing battle...either way, the law will win
even so, ranchers have been pushed out of their profession due to the federal government restricting more and more of the usage of federal lands.
after years of federal overreach and corruption, especially from federal agencies taking the value out of private lands to protect tortoises or perhaps a pond a bird might one day shit in...some people are clearly pissed about that.
obviously going lawless is not the way to change laws but it should be noted: at least their not walking into crowded urban centers and targeting hundreds of civilians in the name of allah.
And as #TrailerDaesh, #Yeehawdists, #Talibundy's, #BozoHaram, #Demanding a Cowphilate, #Demanding ShaniaLaw, #Moonshinehedeen, #VanillaISIS,
This time, and yet.
even so, ranchers have been pushed out of their profession due to the federal government restricting more and more of the usage of federal lands.
after years of federal overreach and corruption, especially from federal agencies taking the value out of private lands to protect tortoises or perhaps a pond a bird might one day shit in...some people are clearly pissed about that."
Starting in the 1970's, the BLM started losing lawsuits to various and sundry "environmental" groups ranging from Ducks Unlimited to the Sierra Club, because in the few cases where they were "actively" managing Federal Wild Lands, they were doing so for the sole benifit of the leasee, mining companies, oil and gas companies, logging companies and ranchers.
The conservative Supreme Court under Bush 1 ruled that the Federal Lands were the patriomy of all Americans, not just the leasee's and Bush 1 started the process of making the BLM start managing Federal Lands for water quality, wildlife, recreational uses, and to prevent overgrazing, excessive logging, mining wastes and all the side effects, from landslides, floods and toxic water that mismanaged land management brings.
Still, it costs a rancher an average of $1.47 per head of cattle to graze Federal land and $58.60 per head to graze private property, and the differences just get larger with mining, oil and gas, and timber cutting.
It's a form of welfare, nothing more and nothing less.
Is very upsetting to read socialist commentators picking up government propaganda.when Ferguson Missouri was burn to the ground and Baltimore was destroyed by black lives matter (they called it civil rights..)
But when few people in the middle of no where shows up to say people have constitutional rights They going to call them terrorists.because there is not violence not car's burning ,not chanting kill pig's ,no looting .
Being a white, male, racist, violent and armed welfare cheat, scofflaw, conman and felon, still has it's privileges.
BTW, 27,858 buildings in Fergusson. Mo. Only one, a gas/convenience store, was burned down, that's hardly the whole city.
I think there is also a problem of some ranchers not even paying their taxes to graze public land. There is a certain sense of entitlement to these lands that are part owned by all of us. It really is too bad some ranchers can't do whatever the heck they want on public land like they own it. It's almost like the land isn't private. Even on private land, there is spill over and some people forget that what they do on private land can affect other people's right to water and air quality and such. Too bad all of us can't do whatever the heck we want, whenever and wherever we want.
" Too bad all of us can't do whatever the heck we want, whenever and wherever we want."
Yup, that's the "freedumb" these #TrailerDaesh are fighting for.
The first arson the Hammond's were convicted of was a torch job of BLM land to cover up the slaughter of a herd of deer. They weren't even "poaching", they were just shooting deer for fun, and we're going to leave them on the ground to rot, until they realized that they had left a massive trail of evidence behind,
And the "geniuses" did such a bad job of it that they did leave evidence behind, and one of their co-conspirators barely got away with his life.
The second arson, was a series of backfires, set to protect their winter forage from a forest fire on BLM land, but they were too stupid to put in a fire break, the burns went out of control, crossed over onto BLM land and left 48 firefighters fighting for their lives, trapped between the two forest fires. They didn't even have the decency of calling the BLM when their back fires went out of control to warn the fire fighting teams.
Jay is off his fucking rocker.
The men going to jail set a backfire to save their domicile and grasslands.
The baack fire was to combat lightning created fires.
Jay might as well be working for the Man, be it the bankers, cattle barons or federal government. Fuck it was the morning regional B team that put Jay to shame; didn't have to wait for a national show.
In fact Jay might as well be working for the Einsatzgruppen.
Might want to put down the WorldNetDaily and Alex Jones sites and read the trial transcripts,
But then, I'm not the least bit surprised that you unconditionally support an armed, violent, white, racist, welfare cheat, conman and convicted felon,
You know the Hammond's volentairally surrendered to the Court and want nothing to do with the Bundy's, right?
And the County Sherriff, which Soverign Citizens in their twisted logic hold as the supreme arbiter of Constitutional law, has told the "protestors" to get the hell out of his county?
And that all of the " protestors" are from out of State, and are currently begging on Twitter and Facebook for supporters to send food, snacks, warm clothing, ammo but most importantly, money,
( you should put your money where your mouth is, $10k should help them get through the next week),
And that many of their "key reinforcements" on their Facebbok page are just waiting for their Sovial Security, Welfare and Federal Disability checks to clear before they rush out to help them?
Jay Farquharson
No nop check your fact's maybe you are getting censured in Canada.
Are you dismissing the the fact that black matter movement promotes violence.??????????
Ferguson riot left 14 buildings burn 12 car's burning 66 in the hospital ,hundred's of glass broken down. Baltimore's city was left over with 100 car's burning 23 police officers hospitalized 66 buildings damage 200 arrested .and more .
Might want to check your racist facts on that.
Only one building burned down in the Fergusion unrest, not as you claim the whole city, or even 27.
Links were posted right there to educate yourself.
You are very good at looking for fact's maybe you should look at how some senators in the U.S.have been getting millions of federal land exploitation with contracts to foreign corporations .
Here is a hint .. Arizona , Nevada. Oklahoma .
When I made this post I said to myself .... no one is going to care about what happens in some backwoods in Oregon. But I posted it because regular reader Rhaegar from Norway was curious on what is this story all about .... and what is my take on it.
My perspective is different. I grew up in a country where all the land belonged to the government (though they always said it belonged to the people) .... and this policy was a complete and utter disaster. The process to educate Russians on the value of property rights has been long .... and it will take a long time (probably a few generations) before Russian society as a whole appreciates what it means to own land .... and the responsibilities that are tied to it. But progress is being made .... albeit very slowly. A disclaimer here .... my family in Russia are developers and property owners .... so I am biased that a just and proper system for land sales, ownership, development, etc. be installed.
As to present day North America .... the experience is different .... and I find it amazing on how many people feel that they are entitled to land because of their birthright or history. But this is North America .... and while the media is focused on this dispute, the fact is that there are many other bigger and more significant land claims that are in dispute than this one.
And that's not what the Bundy's, the Oathkeepers, the militia bangers on are protesting, not in the least.
And the astroturfers of Wise Use are fine with this, as that is one of the stated goals of their Organization and why they are funded by Mining, Oil and Gas, and Timber Companies.
Here in BC the same sort of loopholes have been used to transfer millions of acres and hundreds of miles of rivers from public leases, which in theory provide some "rents" to the public, to outright ownership and closed access to the public.
Our "wise use" type agitator's are fine with this because it's part of the goal, looting public lands and handing them over to Corporations.
The Bundy's are "protesting" that they have to pay a tiny publicly subsidized fee to graze their cattle on public land, that they arn't allowed to trash that public land to their hearts content, and that years of leasing the same land does not automatically give them ownership.
They are grifters, welfare cheats, conmen, racists and felons.
They also love sucking at the test of the Corporate Welfare system set up by the Fed, you didn't hear a peep from Ammond Bundy about the "unconstitutional " Fed last year when he got a taxpayer subsidized ($23,877) Small Business Loan for $532,000 at below market rates, through a Federal Small Business Loan.
Why do you call me racist is insulting.you don't know my do you?
And if you disagree with my you just can say I disagree with you.
And just out of curiosity how far you live from Missouri.because I live there , and by the way I am a minority person. Don't be hateful please.
Have you heard anything about agenda 21 .liberals believe that humans should live in a 200 Square feet apartment. no mean well liveral from the bottom, but liverals like Al Gore that have 10.000 square feet house's all over the country.
All in the name of climate change.
WNU Editor,
Part of the "passion" of it is an East vs. West thing.
In the East, when the First Nations were forced out, most of the land was taken over by townships, counties, States,(Provinces) as there was no Federal system and other than in Canada's north, most of the land was useable.
In the West, when the First Nations were dispossessed, Federal Governments took over the land, parcelled out the useable land for railroads, homesteads, ranches, mines, towns, with most of the land, deemed unusable or not valuable, held in Federal hands. In Canada, this vacant land was transferred to the Provinces.
As the populations grew, and continue to grow, land use pressures and conflicts grow.
South of me, higher up in the hills, there is Provincial land, given over to timber, mining and ranching leases. Properly managed, as a downstream properly owner, none of this affects me, improperly managed, ( several years ago a Cattle leasee illegally set up a dam to create a stock pond) it does effect me and my neighbor's. It cut off our ground water, caused hundreds of thousands of dollars in farming losses, and took almost a year to get the "proper" Authorities to get it removed and the creekbed remediated. Of course, the Numbered Company declared bankruptcy so taxpayers paid for fixing something that should have never been done.
"Agenda 21 is a non-binding, voluntarily implemented action plan of the United Nations with regard to sustainable development.[1] It is a product of the Earth Summit (UN Conference on Environment and Development) held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992. It is an action agenda for the UN, other multilateral organizations, and individual governments around the world that can be executed at local, national, and global levels. The "21" in Agenda 21 refers to the 21st Century. It has been affirmed and had a few modifications at subsequent UN conferences."
Your knee jerk responses and posting of FauxFacts, mark you as a racist.
You don't have to be white to be racist.
Perhaps you are not a racist, maybe you are just a "fringer", reading so much of the RWO sites and so called "news" feeds that you are left with the impression that rioters burned down the entire town of Fergusson, instead of just one gas station/convenience store.
I've lived and worked in the US, for a multinational, in Milwaukee, ( the most segregated city in the US), Atlanta, Huston, Corpus Christie, San Jose, Boston, managing factories and technological implementations.
I grew up as a white boy, in Vancouver, and lived there through the transformation of the City from a mostly white enclave with a population of 450,000, to a thriving multicultural city of over 2,000,000, a city in which whites are a minority, so I have seen my fair share of racism, and when I was younger and a lot dumber, even engaged in a little of that myself,
But what I saw in the US in the '80's, '90's and early '00's in the form of blatant,!open and institutionalized racism completely shocked me.
So, here is a question for you, as a citizen of Missouri, do you hold with the State imposed system of debt slavery to repress minorities, in your State and many other Southern States,
Or do you believe that it is a vestige of the post Reformation oppression and re-enslavement of Minorities that should not exist in this day and age?
It has something to do with the UN, which means all of our guns are going to be taken away and we'll all get locked up in FEMA camps. Lol. I'm glad you understood I was being sarcastic earlier.
My thinking is, if you want to affect policy change you do it the way civil people do it, by following the procedure. If that is going nowhere you can organize an action committee to work within the law to make the change happen. Civilized people recognize that when the FBI gets called in the path to affecting political change has gone off a cliff. Laws are changed by playing the game and the harder somebody fights the system the greater the chance the system is going to smash that person. These protesters will be lucky if they aren't jailed or killed let alone see their issues resolved.
TrailerDaesh... I love it!!!
Funny you mentioned Milwaukee. I was just there a month ago and observed what you spoke of
These guys are nothing but the decedents of the "crackers" that people like Robert F. Williams had to deal with.
As for Ferguson, Baltimore, Blacks etc. Let a BLM or Panther try to occupy a federal building under arms. Whether at the site or home in bed, they'd be marked for assassination just like Fred Hampton.
these jokers are the self-proclaimed inheritors and enforcers of white privilege in the U.S.
And here we can see our modern day putchists, "revolutionaries", smallfreicorps decrying and discussing treason.
And here's a taste of the neo-fascist private property uber alles ideology in print.
Notice how everything they say and do starts and ends with a threat.
And Editor,
Say what you want about the USSR,--and this rolls into a whole other story about why people like Paul Robeson felt like human beings for the first time in their lives when they visited the Soviet Union--- but these "patriot" types for damn sure wouldn't last a day back "home"☆
Yeah. Like the EPA that's full of mining execs and such. Like I said, a buncha' BS.
And no, I do not like Obama or his agenda, and these guys were honest, they'd realize that Obama and they have much more in common than not.
And I really wish tgey'd cut tge crap about Obama. A marxist?! Ha! He's an uncle Tom and those good ol boys would have playing him laying Tarantino's Snow Flake in the Big House in a heart beat.
Did I say this is a buncha bullshit?
RRH. Paul Robeson praised Stalin. Doesn't work for me.
But his version of the Soviet anthem is rather good. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LtU3vUOa2sw
I didn't fugure it would.
We can disagree on Stalin.
We can agree on the anthem.
this should clear everything up.
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