Friday, January 1, 2016

Iran General: Iran Has More Missiles Than It Can Hide

Brigadier General Hossein Salami, the second-in-command of Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC)

AFP: Iran has more missiles than it can hide: General

Tehran (AFP) - Iran's Revolutionary Guards have so many missiles they don't know where to hide them, a senior commander said at Friday prayers, after the United States threatened to impose fresh sanctions.

"We lack enough space in our stockpiles to house our missiles," said General Hossein Salami, the Guards' deputy, as a row with the US over Iran's ballistic missile programme deepened.

"Hundreds of long tunnels are full of missiles ready to fly to protect your integrity, independence and freedom," he told worshippers in Tehran, promising to never "stop developing our defence deterrent".

Iranian state television aired in October unprecedented footage of such an underground missile base.

WNU Editor
: He is bragging.

More News On Iran's Missile Program

IRGC commander ignores resolutions on Iran missile power -- Trend
Iran Not to Stop Developing Deterrent Power: IRGC Commander -- Tasnim News Agency
Iran draws red line on missile program -- Press TV
IRGC receives latest domestically-built ballistic missile -- Press TV
Iran’s IRGC supplied with disputed ballistic missile -- Trend
Iran’s Revolutionary Guard Corps Deploys Precision Ballistic Missile System -- Algemeiner
Iran Military Leaders: Missile Production 'Increased' After P5+1 Deal -- PJ Media


Don Bacon said...

Next he'll be saying "all options are on the table," as Obama has said many times. Every country has them.

Anonymous said...

he needs to put that hat in the dryer

Anonymous said...

They will just pass them on to Yemen or send them directly to Hezbollah. So much for peace in 2016.

Jay Farquharson said...

Yemen is under a Saudi/GCC/US air, sea and land blockaide, so tight that humanitarian aid is barely getting in and there are massive shortages of food, clean water, fuel and medicine.

"How False Stories of Iran Arming the Houthis Were Used to Justify War in Yemen"

Most of the weapons in Yemen are Cold War stockpiles looted from Yemen Army depots.

The Houthi's are so adept at war, that they are hitting AARAMCO refineries and Saudi bases, with Quahir 1 missiles, which is a Yemeni conversion and modification of an old, obsolete SAM-3 anti-aircraft missile, into a ballistic missile.