Thursday, February 25, 2016

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 26, 2016

Margaret Brennan, CBS News: If Syria cease-fire fails, is there a Plan-B?

WASHINGTON -- Secretary of State John Kerry said this week that the Syrian state is at risk of fracturing if the imminent cease-fire does not work, but U.S. officials are still trying to figure out exactly what a "Plan B" for Syria would look like.

Russia's top diplomat responded bluntly Thursday to rumors that the U.S. might be working on a backup plan for Syria that could involve trying to carve out a portion of the country outside the control of President Bashar Assad's central government.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- February 26, 2016

Syria's cessation of hostilities, explained -- Mariano Castillo, CNN

It's time to admit that American intervention can't fix Syria -- Emma Ashford, VOX

American security is at risk in Aleppo: Why Syria's second largest city matters to the US -- Jennifer Cafarella, FOX News

Where ISIS Is Doubling -- Adam Chandler, The Atlantic

The Iran Election: What’s at Stake -- Thomas Erdbrink, NYT

Nuclear war or nuclear peace? Israel's post-Iran Pact options -- Prof. Louis René Beres, Arutz Sheva

Afghanistan war: Just what was the point? -- Nick Paton Walsh, CNN

How to deal with North Korea -- Admiral James Stavridis, Nikkei Asian Review

Taking arms: The Asia-Pacific region is at peace—but it is buying a lot of weapons -- The Economist

Assessing the Shifting Military and Political Calculus in Libya -- Declan Walsh, NYT

Ukraine's Political Volatility Extends Beyond Kiev -- Stratfor

Standing Up To Putin's Aggression -- Mathieu von Rohr, Spiegel Online

Lessons From Munich: We Need Cooperation, Not Confrontation -- Igor Ivanov, Moscow Times

Venezuela on the Edge -- Robert Kahn, Council On Foreign Relations

Why is Obama visiting Cuba? -- Konrad Yakabuski, The Globe and Mail

How One Bad Apple Case Could Hurt -- Chris Finan, The Cipher Brief


Don Bacon said...

There are no plans for a truce nor a cease-fire. What the parties have agreed to is a cessation of hostilities between the parties and non-terrorists. That means the war continues on ISIS and al-Nusrah, and their allies. If there are some militias not allied with terrorits then they need to come forward and sign the agreement, in which case they may be spared. This process may take several weeks or months. Meanwhile the attacks on terrorists and their allies will continue.

State, Feb 22:
MR TONER: Well, I think – excuse me – a couple of thoughts here. One is that there is, I think – I mean, this is – actually has a framework by which this cessation of hostilities will go into effect, the task force will begin meeting. And it has the agreement of all of the ISSG on how they will implement this cessation of hostilities. And it – sorry. It has specific modalities on how this cessation of hostilities will look as it’s implemented on the ground, including monitoring and other aspects of how this thing will actually be implemented. I think in terms of the date that you’re asking – the question you’re asking about the date is – it’s going to take some time. We’ve talked about this a little bit. You can’t just flip a switch, and so it’s going to take a little bit of time for us to actually implement it.

...MR TONER: And so what – so in the initial days, obviously, the emphasis is going to be actually getting this thing to take hold. And given, frankly, the intensity of the fighting, that’s going to take a little bit of time to do. But the different members of the task force – the ISSG and including the two co-chairs [US and Russia] – they’re going to need to be in constant contact as this thing is implemented, and they’re going to do that through a variety of means. But they’ll also be in touch with the UN Office of the Special Envoy in Geneva, which will serve as the secretariat of the task force and kind of an information hub to coordinate all the different implementation.

Don Bacon said...

As for "Plan B" that has always been Plan A for the U.S. -- the break-up of Syria. But the U.S. will fail and Russia will win.
Fats Domino--
Ain't that a shame?
my tears fell like rain.
Ain't that a shame?
you're the one to blame