Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Heavy Fighting Reported In Eastern Ukraine

Washington Post: As focus remains on Syria, Ukraine sees heaviest fighting in months

As world powers focus on freezing the conflict in Syria, the war in Ukraine continues unabated. According to international monitoring organizations and soldiers on the front, the fighting has reached levels not seen in months.

On Monday, three Ukrainian soldiers were killed and six were wounded, according to a tweet from Col. Oleksander Motuzyank, a military spokesman for the Ukrainian government. The deaths follow a sharp-uptick in violence between government troops and Russian-backed separatists. The Organization for Security and Co-Operation in Europe, or OSCE, has recorded numerous cease-fire violations in recent weeks, including the use of heavy weapons, such as 120mm mortars and BM-21 multiple rocket launch systems. Heavy weapons above 82mm were banned in previous cease-fire agreements known as Minsk I and Minsk II and are supposed to have been moved back from the frontlines. In addition to the fighting, there has been “circumstantial evidence” that Russia is re-arming the separatists, according to Lamberto Zannier, the Secretary-General of the OSCE.

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More News On Heavy Fighting Being Reported In Eastern Ukraine

Three Soldiers Reported Killed In East Ukraine -- RFE
Ukraine: 3 Soldiers Killed, 7 Wounded in Uptick in Fighting -- AP
Mine Kills Civilians as Fighting Heats Up in Eastern Ukraine -- NYT
Fighting Between Ukrainian Forces and Separatists Is Surging Once Again -- Time
Ukraine military reports highest daily death toll since November -- Reuters
Fighting flares up in eastern Ukraine: OSCE says situation is 'dire' -- Ukraine Today
One Year After Minsk: Neither War Nor Peace in the Ukrainian Conflict -- Sputnik


RRH said...

OH, my, what a surprise. Things are hearing up again in the Ukraine. Just as Russia and friends start making big gains in Syria. Gee, golly,wiz.

RRH said...
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