Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Major Political Crisis Is Brewing In Ukraine. Government Facing Collapse In A No-Confidence Vote

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk, and Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin (file photo)

Radio Free Europe: Poroshenko Calls For PM, Prosecutor To Resign

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has asked Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk and Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin to resign "in order to restore trust in the government.”

The move on February 16 came shortly before Yatsenyuk was due to address parliament, where he faces the threat of a no-confidence vote.

Yatsenyuk’s coalition partners in Poroshenko’s party announced earlier that they would vote that the government's work has been “unsatisfactory.”

That has raised the likelihood of a vote of no confidence against Yatsenyuk and the collapse of his government, setting the stage for fresh coalition talks and possible early parliamentary elections.

Read more ....

WNU editor: What's my take .... these politicians are now so hated that if they face the electorate they will all be re-soundly defeated .... and deservedly so. All of these Ukrainian politicians know this, which is why Ukraine Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk will probably survive this no-confidence vote .... thereby enraging the public even more and laying the groundwork for more political battles in the future.

More News On Today's Political Crisis In Ukraine

Ukrainian president suggests PM should resign: statement -- Reuters
Ukraine's Poroshenko asks embattled PM Yatsenyuk to resign -- AFP
Ukraine crisis: Poroshenko asks PM Yatsenyuk to resign -- BBC
Ukraine’s president urges PM, prosecutor general to resign -- TASS
Ukraine's Poroshenko asks PM Yatsenyuk to resign -- DW
Ukraine's President Calls For Prime Minister's Resignation Amid Political Crisis -- IBTimes
Ukraine President Calls for Premier's Resignation to End Crisis -- Bloomberg
Ukraine's Political Crisis Worsens as Calls Grow to Oust Cabinet -- Bloomberg
Ukraine's political crisis deepens with call to oust ministers -- UPI
Ukrainian government hangs by thread as confidence vote looms -- Reuters
Ukraine in Political Crisis as Government Faces No-Confidence Vote -- ABC News
Ukraine's biggest party to ask for no confidence vote on Tuesday -- Reuters
Ukraine teeters a few steps from chaos -- BBC


James said...

Now there's three happy go lucky faces in that photo.

War News Updates Editor said...

As expected .... his government survived the vote of no confidence.

James said...

What was the vote?

RRH said...

Ukraine Government in a state of crisis? The Ukraine IS a state of crisis! Banderite NAZI thugs running loose, crumbling, dangerous (nuclear) infrastructure, unemployment through the roof, bent rule IMF money shunted offshore, bankruptcy, gangsters in charge of government ministries and regions, a highly unpopular and heavily avoided conscription policy, a backward, stupid, irredentist, white suppremacist, ridiculous Europhile dominant ideology, large sections of the country/population broken away because they reject said stupidity, political repression of any progressive, let alone sane, elements of Ukrainian society (just what is that?).

Ukraine make Venezuela look like a retirement haven. I'd book a vacation in Hama before I'd set foot in Kiev.

They are absolutely retarded.

War News Updates Editor said...

James .... from the BBC ....The no-confidence motion required 226 votes to pass in parliament, but only 194 out of the 339 MPs supported it.

I am surprised .... I expected only 120 to support the non-confidence vote.

RRH .... your rant is priceless. But Kiev is actually a great place to go to during summer time. With its currency being worthless .... even our Canadian dollar will go far.

RRH said...

I'm sure it will be a really good place to visit when the NAZIs and gangsters are cleaned out by honest Ukrainians who just want to live a dignified life.