Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Pentagon Report: U.S. Special Forces Not Ready To Integrate Women

A new report on female integration into the U.S. special armed forces found the male-dominated warrior culture may be adversely affected. Photo by: Petty Officer 2nd Class William (U.S. Navy)

Washington Times: U.S. special forces not ready to integrate women, report finds

At a time when U.S. special operations are devising plans for the mission of accepting women into the male domains of SEALs, Green Berets and Army Rangers, the terrorist-fighting community is facing a looming readiness problem.

The new challenge is tucked inside President Obama’s 2017 defense budget. It states that U.S. Special Operations Command (SOCOM) and its 69,000 personnel are up against “training challenges” and is seeing “minor impacts to the forces’ ability to accomplish missions” that could grow worse.

Army Green Berets and Navy SEALs face some limits on training due to cutbacks in fleet and training range operations, according to a budget overview document sent to Congress last week.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: They will find a way to integrate women into the ranks .... albeit that 90% of the Special Forces community is against it.


Anonymous said...

Do 10% think this idea is good? Sounds very high to me.

fred said...

I had not known that the troops got to vote on who gets to join them. Is that how the military got integrated in 1950?

War News Updates Editor said...

I agree Fred. The military must always be subservient to the political leadership. They may not like what Washington may decide .... but it is not their place to say no.

Anonymous said...

It wasn't a vote, it was a survey. After everyone we took the questions became more and more skewed towards the inevitable. While we grudgingly accept the decision the vast majority do not approve.

Unknown said...

I would like to see women at the tip of a "wedge" formation, figuratively speaking.

Unlikely to see that.