Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Russian - Turkish Tensions At A New Peak

Russian Sukhoi Su-34 jets at the Hmeimim airfield in Syria. © Dmitriy Vinogradov / RIA Novosti

Financial Times: Tensions between Russia and Turkey reach new peak

Tension between Russia and Turkey has reached a new peak as the two countries step up military action in Syria in support of opposing sides, edging closer to direct confrontation in the country’s increasingly internationalised war.

The growing rift between the two countries — with each now attacking rebels the other supports — has alarmed Western diplomats amid fears Russia is seeking to undermine Nato by ramping up its clash with Ankara.

“It seems to us that just like in the Baltics, Russia wants to try and push at Nato’s ability to stand behind all its members,” said a Nato official. A senior European official said Russian President Vladimir Putin was seeking to destabilise Recep Tayyip Erdogan, his Turkish opposite number.

“Putin is furious with Turkey,” said the European official. “The situation is really incredibly serious.”

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If Putin wanted to pick a situation that would put NATO under strain .... this is the one. There is a lot good will in the West towards the Kurds, where even President Obama himself told the Turks to back-down .... Ankara 'shocked' by U.S. comments putting Kurdish YPG and Turkey in same basket: foreign ministry spokesman (Reuters). Couple this with buying oil from the Islamic State, permitting a million refugees to cross into Europe, and repression at home .... Turkey's friends are far and few between. As to the tensions between Russia and Turkey .... that is going to fester for a very long time .... and if not handled properly, could quickly escalate into something far more serious.


Jay Farquharson said...

WNU Editor,

Russia's not going to do anything stupid.

Syria's not going to do anything stupid.

Iran's not going to do anything stupid.

The YPG's not going to do anything stupid.

That leave Ergodan, German and the US.

It's been stupid for Germany to play Ergodan's refugee extortion game, and it's been stupid for the US not to curb it's dogs.


War News Updates Editor said...

Jay .... I said the said the same thing to a friend in China two days ago. The only ones who will do something stupid will be Turkey, the Saudis, and holding the rear .... the U.S..

Unknown said...

I don't like Putin or the oligarchy he represents, but I hope Russia kicks Erdogan's ass.

phill said...

1.The Russians won't attack.

2.The Turks and Saudis want them to attack.

3.The Russians wants to call there Bluff.

RRH said...

The Turks and the Saudis already have done something stupid. They've made threats, a sign of weakness to Russians, and killed a Russian, a sign of loss of interest in continuing their own lives.

The die is already cast for these boobs. Especially Edogan and Co.