Saturday, February 6, 2016

Some Doom And Gloom Economic News On This Saturday Morning

Michael Snyder, The Economic Collapse: 22 Signs That The Global Economic Turmoil We Have Seen So Far In 2016 Is Just The Beginning

As bad as the month of January was for the global economy, the truth is that the rest of 2016 promises to be much worse. Layoffs are increasing at a pace that we haven’t seen since the last recession, major retailers are shutting down hundreds of locations, corporate profit margins are plunging, global trade is slowing down dramatically, and several major European banks are in the process of completely imploding. I am about to share some numbers with you that are truly eye-popping. Each one by itself would be reason for concern, but when you put all of the pieces together it creates a picture that is hard to deny. The global economy is in crisis, and this is going to have very serious implications for the financial markets moving forward. U.S. stocks just had their worst January in seven years, and if I am right much worse is still yet to come this year. The following are 22 signs that the global economic turmoil that we have seen so far in 2016 is just the beginning…

Read more ....

WNU Editor: When economies implode political crisis ensue .... which are then followed by wars. I suspect that War News Updates is going to be a busy blog (if it is not already) by the end of this year.


Unknown said...

Vote Full employment.

Vote for Obama's 3rd term.

Anonymous said...

And let's be honest that if it wasn't for the proxy wars in the Middle East, Africa and parts of Asia, Western economies would be in a lot worse shape. If this economic malaise continues war will be the final solution. War will be used to offset a potential revolution that governments in the West are most fearful of at this moment.

Unknown said...

Major War is usually necessary (for the elites and banksters) when economy goes down, the great depression anyone? The great depression ended as soon as Ww2 started.......

Anonymous said...

If more hostilities are in the cards, defense is a safer place for investors. I enjoy Apple products and invest in Apple, yet with the upheaval ongoing and a potential hot war with China, you would have to be a fool to risk your portfolio in a company so reliant in manufacturing and sales in China. Yet many investors are oblivious to this, or do not factor that prospect into their strategy.

Unknown said...


You have have fallen for the broken windows fallacy.

The U.S.started gearing up for WW2 about 1937 or 1938. Yet we FDR created a recession with a depression (1937 to 1938).

If you read "The Forgotten Man" yo see that as foolish and ignorant as FDR was, he was barely smart enough to not wage war against free enterprise and the Axis at the same time.

FDR was the buffoon that tried to manipulate the gold price and various other dabblings in an attempt to start the economy. He also pissed people off at an economics conference when he was for something and then against it. The economy got better in the U.S. in spite of FDR and later because he was no longer at war with it.