Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Next U.S. Administration Will Be Facing The Same Iraqi Quagmire That Has Plagued The 4 Previous Administrations

Perry Cammack, National Interest: America’s Twenty-Five-Year Fiasco in Iraq

A problem that has confounded four presidents, and perhaps soon a fifth

Twenty-five years ago this week, on February 24, 1991, the first United States ground invasion of Iraq began. The first Bush administration had clear UN and congressional mandates to liberate Kuwait. More than thirty countries contributed ground forces, and the Soviet Union was a critical diplomatic partner. After a punishing six-week air campaign, the ground battle seemed to be over almost as soon as it had started, displaying the American military’s tremendous tactical and technological superiority. But amid talk of a new world order, the hundred-hour ground invasion was only the opening chapter in America’s tragic twenty-five-year Iraq story.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: If it was not for the oil .... the U.S. would have abandoned Iraq a long time ago.

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