Thursday, February 25, 2016

Top U.S. Commander In Europe: The Era Of Trying To Work With Russia Is Over

NATO Supreme Allied Commander, U.S. Air Force General Philip Breedlove (file photo)

Radio Free Europe: NATO Commander: Russia Poses 'Existential Threat' To West

WASHINGTON – NATO Supreme Commander Philip Breedlove said Russia has decided to become an adversary of the West and presents an "existential threat" to the United States and its allies.

U.S. Defense Secretary Ash Carter, meanwhile, accused Russia of intimidating its immediate neighbors, and said he doubted whether Moscow was still committed to strategic stability on nuclear weapons.

The comments by Carter and Breedlove, in testimony before two congressional committees on February 25, reflected the deepening concern and ongoing shift in thinking in Washington about how to respond to Russian moves in Europe and the Middle East.

Read more ....

Update #1: Breedlove: Russia, Instability Threaten U.S., European Security Interests (US Department of Defense)
Update #2: Breedlove: Russia a long-term threat to US (Stars and Stripes)
Update #3: Top US commander: Russia wants to 'rewrite' international order (The Hill)

WNU Editor
: Russia is an existential threat to the West?  Some one should tell the General that the Cold War ended a long time ago. But while he may not want to talk to Russia .... the intel community still does .... CIA chief: US and Russian spies still working closely (EU Observer).


Jay Farquharson said...

Who knew Col. Jack Ripper was still around and head of NATO?

Marian Baghor said...

Following the stories and hysterics of warfare on this planet, studying numerous sources of info on the subject, I've become aware of how censored the present mass media news has become, veiling political and economical agendas that are kept hidden from us.

We may find ourselves stunned by the truth, in the near future, feeling as if waking up from a bad dream and finally starting to live a different dream, our own dream hopefully, in a world coming at peace with itself.

Once one becomes aware of the invisible "worldleaders" tactics to serve the general public in Roman style "bread an games", feeding it drama in all possible manners, so that fear and anxiety is the ruling state of mind, preventing it in that way to stand up for ifself, it's almost a humorous puppet play. Though I think laughter isn't appropriate here, on this subject. How much longer will we trust our governments, thinking that they will care for us? Look at the state the NHS is in! Wake up, please! In Holland it's a similar situation.

I think we should wake up and be cautious, using common sense, while watching television and reading papers, in the UK, while following news-sources all over the world, comparing notes and connecting the dots, if finding the truth is intended.

Using discernment coming from a genuine wish to find the truth is accessible to all of us. Nothing is preventing us but our own fear, our fear for claiming individual power, our choice to stand up for ourselves. It's how I've come to perceive it, also by personal experience.

If I may be bold, I'm a perceptive Dutch woman, now living in the UK. It's very helpful to compare notes, having moved overseas.

To be very honest and possibly blunt also, I'm appalled by the British table manners, gobbling up what's presented to them in the news, on television, internet,papers and tabloids. I've noticed in people around me, how easily they're influenced by it, quickly aroused... easy come, easy go. Is it related to the popularity of instant meals in Britain? Drinking habits while coping with work pressure and keeping up appearance, with a stiff upper lip?

I'm the sort of person who ponders what makes people tick, including myself. I follow small and large scale world-events with a strong sense of justice and a will to find truth. Dutch people are famous for their directness and use of common sense, with a mind of their own.

Back on topic now. I find the British mass media view on Putin's role on the worldstage, coming from evil intentions, highly deceptive and probably orchestrated for a reason.

With all the love and respect for the essential goodness and heart that I observe does beat in Britain (after all, I choose to live here) I think certain members of the British nation should leave their dinosaur-style attitude due to its deeply rooted aristocratic arrogance, its pump and circumstance. Still trying to come away with its flawed and corrupt judicial system.

I've wondered if this attitude and conduct is rooted in its once upon a time worldleader role, its glorious Victorian past. To me, it's one of the most dramatic operas presented on the world's stage.

Looking at it from my chair in the audience, the actors (British rulers) seem to have identified themselves with their roles.
How very perceptive I believe Shakespeare is, in this observation:
"The world's a stage... and all the men and women merely players....."

Young Communist said...

The answer of Russian defense minister is perfect.
But those idiots and liar generals of NATO are the real threat.

Europeans may consider them happy to have Russia, because before that Europe is often invaded by warrior people from Asia (Hunns, Hungars, Mongols) and the simply existence of Russia have prevented further invasions.

In modern history Russia is invaded four times from the West (Napoleonic campaign, Crimea war, WW 1, WW 2), is clear that western country are more warmongering and are they that continue to pose threat to Russia.
Maybe the Red Army counteroffensive to crush nazi is the very reason that shocked western countries.

The rebellion against Assad (and Assad is a nasty dictator) fuelled by West in Arab Spring's and the "revolution" of Maidan incidentally (eh!) hit the projection of Russia in Mediterranean Sea. The second event damaging relationships between Russia and EU when they are good.
Only incidentally?
And the donkey fly.

Democracy, freedom, human rights are good things, but they may serve us as a justification to bring war to others?
But are perfect to mask imperialism.

Unknown said...

I suspect that if the US had its national existence threatened through foreign invasion three times in the last two hundred years by countries in South America via Mexico, then Texans wouldn't be too excited by the formation of a South American military alliance that included Mexico.
I suspect that under those circumstances American paranoia of Brazil would be justified and every attempt would be made to slow and/or impede the continued growth of said alliance.
I suspect that Right-wing Mexican nationalists and Mexican army units attacking border towns along the Texas, Arizona and California border would likely outrage the inhabitants of those states, and their participation in defending their extended families across the Mexican border would completely understandable.
I suspect that if the US were threatened with losing a vital, strategically important naval facility to this South American military alliance, then the US would act, with force if necessary, to maintain control of that facility.
I suspect that the alliance's positioning in Mexico of a "defensive" system that could be used to de-fang US nuclear deterrent would be seen with skepticism and distrust.
I suspect that a General in charge of that military alliance would see any US opposition to the peaceful expansion of the alliance as a threat to the alliance that justifies further militarization and expansion.
And finally, I suspect that said General, after being relegated to near un-necessity by the lack of serious existential threats that the military alliance was formed to defend against, would actively seek out an enemy to justify his own continued existence - not to mention an expectation of the same behavior from the bureaucracy and industry used to support that military alliance.
Eisenhower was right...
Putin might be a monster, but I don't think McCain, Cruz or Trump would act much different if they were in his shoes...