Thursday, February 25, 2016

U.S. Army Has Patented A .50 Cal Bullet That Can Self Destruct

The US Army has patented a radical self destructing bullet (patent pictured) is says could make using live ammunition in urban areas far safer and reduce 'collateral damage'.

Daily Mail: Army reveals self destructing short range BULLET than could be fired in cities without harming bystanders

* US Army researchers say bullet could 'reduce collateral damage'
* When fired, bullets explode after a short period of time
* Will first be used in .50 caliber ammunition but can be expanded to others

The US Army has patented a radical self destructing bullet is says could make using live ammunition in urban areas far safer.

The 'limited range projectile' has pyrotechnics built in.

When fired, they explode after a short period of time - causing the bullet to effectively stop.

The pyrotechnic material is ignited at projectile launch.

The pyrotechnic material ignites the reactive material, and if the projectile reaches a maximum desired range prior to impact with a target, the ignited reactive material transforms the projectile into an 'aerodynamically unstable object'.

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More News On The U.S. Army Patenting A .50 Cal Bullet That Can Self Destruct

Self-Destructing .50 Cal Bullets Could Help Limit Civilian Casualties -- Popular Mechanics
Engineers patent limited-range projectile to reduce collateral damage --
Army engineers patent limited range bullet that self-destructs -- FOX News
US Army Patents Self-Destructing Bullets -- SKY News
Bullets That Slowly Self-Destruct Make a Surprising Amount of Sense -- Endgadget

1 comment:

James said...

Of course no one would take advantage of this knowledge. Nobody.