Saturday, March 26, 2016

A Look Inside The NORAD Complex At Cheyenne

Some 2,000 feet below the surface of the Cheyenne Mountains lies American's most secure intelligence and data center. The massive underground fortress is a short distance from NORAD and UNSORTHCOM headquarters at Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, Colorado

Daily Mail: Take a look inside Skynet's 50-year-old blast-proof bunker: New pictures give rare glimpse inside the real-life secret underground military complex made famous by the Terminator film

* Cost $142.4 million to build, opened February 6, 1967 and first started as the NORAD Combat Operations Center
* Has 350 employees from US and Canada military, in addition to contractors that oversee operations of structure
* Doors are hooked up to hydraulics that shut them in just 20 seconds during an attack – it takes 40 seconds by hand
* Bunker was featured in Terminator, WarGames and Interstellar and the sci-fi show Stargate SG-1

It has starred as the home of Skynet in the Terminator series, stopped a nuclear attack in the movie War Games, and even appears in everything from Interstellar to Stargate.

Now, new pictures reveal the interior of the secretive military complex and NORAD Combat Operations Center hidden 2,000 feet below the surface of the Cheyenne Mountains.

It's been 50 years since the facility opened its doors to the US Air Force facility, and now the 23-ton blast doors have been opened again.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Still operating after 50 years .... I will not be surprised if it is still in operation 50 years from now.


James said...

The most photographed (especially the blast doors and springs) top secret installation in the US. Things change, apparently still have the analog controls in the power control room.
That joint is a like a B-52. Same old airframe with the avionics updated year after year.

Bob Huntley said...

John Oliver's dissertation on how well the ICBM facilities are being maintained. Note the large floppy at 3.01