Saturday, March 26, 2016

Why Are The Clinton's Obsessed With Area 51?

Daily Caller: Hillary On Area 51 Secrets: ‘I Think We Ought To Share It With The Public’

Hillary Clinton says barring any national security risk, she would like to open up the government files on Area 51 to the public if she is elected president.

“I would like us to go into those files and hopefully make as much of that public as possible,” she told Jimmy Kimmel Thursday night on his late night ABC talk show. “If there’s nothing there, let’s tell people there’s nothing there.”

When Kimmel followed up by asking what she would do if she discovered there was actually something alarming in the files, Clinton replied: “Well, if there is something there, unless it’s a threat to national security, I think we ought to share it with the public.”

Read more ....

Update #1: Hillary Clinton says Area 51 files should be made public in Jimmy Kimmel interview (New York Daily News)
Update #2: Elect Hillary Clinton and we’ll all find out what’s hiding in Area 51 (Ars Technica)

WNU Editor: Talk about aliens at Area-51 .... or her policies and what she wants to do if she is elected President. By the looks of it .... aliens are on the top of her list on what she wants to talk about.


Unknown said...

Bubba did not find out for her sometime during JAN 20, 1993 and JAN 20, 2001?

It must be a new thing with her. Maybe it is not but bubba never bothered to find out or tell her, because pillow talk DNE between them. It would certainly explain some of Bill's behaviour.

If it is a new things, it is a gauge of ongoing senility. All the problems in the world and this is nearing the top of her list.

We would be better off with a Miss Universe contestant who parrots "World Peace".

Unknown said...

Miss Woodrow Wilson?

Anonymous said...

To make money off American again for evil way.

TWN said...

The lies that the Beast shoots out of that anus it calls a mouth, it knows that, what goes on in area 51 will not be revealed and for it to suggest is ridiculous and a bald face lie.

Bob Huntley said...

Aliens are at the top of Trump's list too.

Unknown said...

1) I did not find a story on Trump & Area 51 on the 1st page of results of a websearch.

Maybe this duh a Hillary thang!

2) If you believe that "If Trump's main voting block is white uneducated males", then I suggest you get well into a game of Bong Trek before you further opine. You will be closer to the truth. Trust me you will still be talking crap, but it will not be as trite and formulaic.

Anonymous said...

Hey Az, well done on your Google search skills...

"The single best predictor of Trump support in the GOP primary is the absence of a college degree."

There are many other articles along the same style from all sides of the media if you care to search.

Thank you BTW for your ad hominem attack.

D.Plowman said...

Clearly she's desperate for voters, and this is one attempt to win over a fringe minority group.

A lame lazy tactic.