Friday, March 11, 2016

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 11, 2016

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un (C) reacts as he watches a long-range rocket launch in North Korea, February 7, 2016. REUTERS/Kyodo

Andrei Lankov, Al Jazeera: Now North Korea has nothing to lose

New UN resolution doesn't make the Korean Peninsula more secure and does not remove the nuclear threat.

Last Monday the North Korean government told the world that we should ready ourselves for a nuclear war on the Korean Peninsula. According to the official statement, North Korean armed forces "have a military operation plan of our style to liberate south Korea and strike the US mainland".

Usually, news editors love such statements from Pyongyang - they make for catchy headlines, after all - while North Korea watchers meet this bellicosity with indifference. Such statements are made a little too regularly.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- March 11, 2016

North Korea is a nuclear power. Here’s why the world just has to live with it. -- Bennett Ramberg, Reuters

Will there be peace in Yemen? -- Bruce Riedel, Bruce Riedel, Al-Monitor

The people return to the streets against Assad -- Guardian editorial

We are witnessing the decline of Saudi Arabia as a major power -- Vijay Prashad, Salon/Alertnet

If reconciliation fails in Afghanistam, what's plan B? -- Michael Kugelman, War On The Rocks

Meet Myanmar’s new puppet president -- Patrick Winn, Global Post

Boko Haram and Mass Starvation -- New York Times editorial

How Russia Saw the ‘Red Line’ Crisis -- Julia Ioffe, The Atlantic

Russia Uses More Tools Than Just its Military to Influence, Threaten Neighbors -- John Grady, USNI News

Obama, Cameron and the Libya blame game -- Gideon Rachman, Financial Times

How did Obama and Cameron fall out? -- Nick Bryant, BBC

Obama's criticism of Cameron reveals president's own weaknesses -- Simon Tisdall, The Gaurdian

How Iraq Warped Obama’s Worldview -- Shadi Hamid, The Atlantic

Obama is right: Washington's obsession with "credibility" is wrongheaded and dangerous -- Zack Beauchamp, VOX

Recovering from the Obama Doctrine -- Alexander Benard, National Interest

Globalization's Broken Promise -- Hilton Root and Hong Zhang, US News and World Report

1 comment:

RussInSoCal said...

Add one sunken midget submarine to the happy mix /