Saturday, March 12, 2016

Did Protesters Just Give Donald Trump The Republican Nomination?

Spilling into the streets: Protesters and attendees at the trump rally fought in the streets after the rally was cancelled due to what Trump said was a safety concern

Daily Mail: Trump credits the 'organized group of thugs' with 'ENERGIZING America' after they shut down his Chicago rally amid simmering racial tensions as GOP frontrunner now cancels CINCINNATI rally

* Scuffles broke out inside the University of Illinois at Chicago Pavilion last night, an hour before Trump's appointed 6:00 p.m. starting time
* 'It's like 10 per cent of them are here to shut it down,' a Chicago police officer told
* News of the shut down came hours after black activist Anthony Cage, was bloodied after clashing with Trump supporters in St. Louis
* Chicago police confirmed at least six arrests in Chicago
* Multiple law enforcement sources confirmed that an organized mob attended Trump's rally with the intention of storming the stage
* Two police officers were injured and 5 people were arrested
* Trump's response: 'Organized group of thugs' have energized America
* Cincinnati rally planned for Sunday now been cancelled too

Donald Trump has responded to last night's Chicago rally meltdown, condemning yesterday's 'thugs' for 'energizing America'.

The tweet comes the morning after the Republican candidate's rally got shut down following a series of bloody brawls and loud demonstrations.

His message: 'The organized group of people, many of them thugs, who shut down our First Amendment rights in Chicago, have totally energized America!'

Read more ....

Update: GOP candidate Trump calls off rally due to security concerns (AP)

WNU Editor: This type of behaviour will only appal most Americans, and if it continues will guarantee a Donald Trump electoral landslide whether voters agree with his policies or not.


Anonymous said...

I'm sorry, *which* type of behavior? The idiots yelling racist slurs and throwing punches, or the protesters? I'm pretty sure you're dead wrong about the protesters' behavior appalling most Americans. Half maybe. And not the dumb half.

Anonymous said...

I think he's talking about large groups of protestors crashing a political rally and forcing its cancellation. And the Boss is absolutely correct, this will unify the "broken" republican party like nothing else.

RRH said...

Besides the Vietnam war perhaps, the U.S. has not been this divided in 150 years.

Note to Trump,

When you call people rapists and criminals and threaten to deport them, build a wall, so on and so forth, don't expect them to react pleasantly.

The upheaval in the U.S. is just getting started.

Anonymous said...

These aren't angry farm workers protesting unfair accusations by Trump, this is a political organization (move trying to intimidate a candidate and his supporters. Suppose what would happen if the NRA started encouraging their supports to mobilize and shut down Hillary events...I'm sure the media narrative would be quite different don't you think.

Si-vis-pasen- said...

If you don't like something from the government we have a process set up in place that allows you to protest against is called the first amendment it guarantee you will be able to do so and so do the other side .
If someone bring the Soviet Union flag to an event should be OK and if somebody else said that want's to build a wall it should be able to say that.

RRH said...

Or, if you don't like something from the (non U.S.) government, you can get some money, graphic design, media, or other "support" from the NED, CIA or some other "democracy" promotiom vehicle sponsored by the U.S. Gov and pals to overthrow it.


faux free speach rhetoric aside, all kinds of people have been arrested, detained, beat up and even shot (Kent State) for protesting, or even walking on the wrong side of the street in the U.S. (Canada is no better); some guarantee.

Freedom of speach and protest exists more in the minds of privileged bourgeois constitutional fetishists than it ever has in reality.

Past that,

Trump's bellowing and that of his Amerikkkan followers has not gone unnoticed by those it is directed against-- Move whatever-- It's inflammatory and provocative. Just like Kim Jr's intellectually vapid threats to launch pre emptive nuclear strikes against the U.S. -- Even Russia called him out.

Hitler Hillary liberal media boosters and poor hard done by astroturfer FOXwatchers be damned,

What happened in Chicago is proof positive that stupidly openning one's mouth can invite someone to put a fist in it.

In the real world, numbered ammendments, charters of feelgood nothings, high fallutin bourgeois morally indignant rhetoric, have not, do not, and never will "guarantee" teeth won't end up on a sidewalk after s#^!talk.

And no one stopped Trump from saying build a wall; if they had maybe he would have been able to say something untelligent in Chicago; but that would mean alienating his constituents.