Saturday, March 12, 2016

Some Of The Paris Attackers Are On The Leaked ISIS File

CNN: German media: Paris attackers mentioned in leaked ISIS documents

(CNN)The names of three Paris attackers are found among 22,000 purported ISIS documents that surfaced this week, German public broadcasters reported Friday.

The trove of documents includes mentions of Samy Amimour, Ismael Omar Mostefai and Foued Mohamed Aggad, regional broadcasters NDR, WDR and BR reported, according to the Tagesshau news service.

Amimour and his co-conspirators attacked the Bataclan theatre on November 13, killing 89 of the people who died in the series of terror attacks that night in Paris.

The trio died in the attacks.

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More News On Some Of The Paris Attackers Being Listed On The Leaked ISIS File

Paris attackers listed in ‘leaked’ IS group documents -- France 24
German media report names three Paris attackers on 'Islamic State' lists -- DW
Three Paris attackers 'feature in IS recruitment files' -- BBC
Paris attackers 'named' in leaked Isis files -- The Local
Islamic State registration forms include Paris attackers' information -- SKY News
Three Paris attackers named on leaked Islamic State documents -- RFI

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