Sunday, March 13, 2016

German Regional Elections Are A Rebuke For Angela Merkel’s Open Door Border Policy

Daily Mail: German voters' crushing verdict on open-door migration: Angela Merkel is punished in crucial state elections as far-Right party wins big vote with call to stop flow of refugees

* Three German regions vote for state legislatures on 'Super Sunday'
* Baden-Wuerttemberg, Rhineland-Palatinate and Saxony-Anhalt all vote
* Angela Merkel's party set to lose support in the wake of refugee crisis
* Exit polls suggest the Christian Democratic Union has lost in two states
* Anti-immigration Alternative for Germany (AFD) set to win seats at all three

German voters turned to the far right in droves yesterday in a damning verdict on Angela Merkel’s open door border policy.

In regional elections she was humiliated by the anti-immigrant AfD – Alternative for Germany – party.

Formed just three years ago, it has surged in popularity following Mrs Merkel’s decision to roll out the red carpet for more than a million migrants.

Frauke Petry, who leads the Eurosceptic party, has suggested German border guards should open fire on illegal immigrants.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: As predicted .... a massive defeat for Angela Merkel's party. With the migrant flow now starting with the end of winter, pressure within Angela Merkel's party (the CDU) to change their open border policy is going to be enormous .... especially since today's results indicate that if trends continue, the CDU will be obliterated in next years federal elections.

More News On Today's Regional Elections In Germany

Nationalists strong, setback for Merkel party in German vote -- AP
German state elections: Success for right-wing AfD, losses for Merkel's CDU -- DW
AfD success smashes right-wing populism taboo in Germany -- AFP
German voters batter Merkel over migrant policy -- Reuters
German Voters Punish Angela Merkel Over Migrant Policy in State Elections -- WSJ
Far right-wing party makes gains in German elections -- USA Today
Far-right party surges in German elections after anti-immigrant campaign -- L.A. Times
German Anti-Immigrant Far-Right Party Makes Gains in Regional Elections -- VICE News


Unknown said...

The CDU needs to dump Merkel or be obliterated.

Putin could run Germany better and he probably does not love it.

Anonymous said...

Merkel the traitor. Will Germany bring back hanging for treason?

Anonymous said...

Merkel is still held in high esteem...and let's be honest..she's made mistakes, but her heart was at the right place - how can you look at the refugees and not want to help? Her mistake however is in believing we can (easily) integrate them - we can't, at this point in time at least... there's too few integration programs, too little budget, too few professional teachers and social workers. ..that's why it fails.. Having a heart is one thing, but you also have to have the means to do it

Anonymous said...

It is easy not to want to help them. They should quit cowering and fight for their countries, and if they die, then they die fighting, and not running away with their tails tucked between their legs.

Daniel said...

Merkel messed up. She either didn't expect this to happen, in which case she is, to be charitable, in a Gorbachev-like bubble, or she did expect it to happen and figured she'd collect everyone's kudos for her big heart first and then use the inevitable incidents that arose to crack down - in which case she is scum, indistinguishable in essence from Cameron, Hollande, etc.

That being said, was she the one being punished here? The local parties weren't quite on board with her policy. Her allies outside of the CDU did well, and her enemies within it have been chastened. AfD is not yet a serious threat to her, though it did expand its presence. But that just makes it easier for everyone else to rally around Mutti Merkel to keep out the "Nazis".

Something tells me that she sadly isn't stupid and is simply amoral instead. She didn't help the refugees, Anon. She led them into a trap, and lured her own citizens into one instead by assuring them that all is fine. And now everyone has to deal with the new normal of a refugee crisis, culture clash (to put it mildly) and xenophobic vigilante violence. That will be her legacy but she will still be widely praised for her big heart.

Daniel said...

*into one as well

Jay Farquharson said...

And everybody forgets that Ergodan "weaponized" the refugee's to try to force EU support for his land grab in Syria.