Friday, March 11, 2016

Oversight Of The Internet Will Soon Pass From The U.S. To An International Body

Financial Times: Plan to strip US of internet oversight

The US has been handed a proposal that would end the last vestiges of its control over the internet, touching off a potentially contentious political debate in Washington over the future of cyber space.

The proposal was put forward on Thursday by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (Icann), the international body that oversees the internet’s addressing system. It would lead to the US handing over its role as the ultimate authority for internet naming, in return for an overhaul of Icann’s governance arrangements intended to protect it from government meddling in future.

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Update #1: Internet domain handoff takes major step forward (The Hill)
Update #2: Internet address gatekeeper OKs plan to break from US (Update) (PhysOrg)

WNU Editor: Like all international organizations .... and this is from my own personal experience of working at the UN for 6 years ..... I doubt that it will be scrutinized and held accountable for its actions.