Friday, March 11, 2016

War Crimes In South Sudan Are Widespread

Mail & Guardian/AFP: Steady descent from hope: South Sudan is dying, and nobody is counting anymore

Men, women, children have been shot, speared, burned, castrated, hung, drowned, run over, suffocated, starved and blown up- the dead could be 300,000.

THE many ways people have died during South Sudan’s two-year civil war are well-documented, but the number killed is unknown.

Men, women and children have been shot, speared, burned, castrated, hung, drowned, run over, suffocated, starved and blown up, their corpses abandoned where they fell, bulldozed into mass graves or, in at least one case, eaten in ritual cannibalism.

But the UN has stuck to a guesstimate of 10,000 dead since the early months of the war, even as the killing escalated and spread across the country.

A year into the war, in November 2014, the International Crisis Group (ICG) which has closely tracked the fighting, told news agency AFP at least 50,000 had died.

This month, the UN finally caught up, quoting the same figure but over a two-year span.

Read more ....

More News On War Crimes Being Committed In South Sudan

South Sudan: Suffocation of more than 60 men and boys in a shipping container is a war crime -- Amnesty International
UN report highlights 'searing' account of killings, rapes by South Sudanese forces -- UN News Centre
UN Decries 'Horrendous Human Rights Violations' in South Sudan -- VOA
In South Sudan, Thousands Raped, Children And Disabled Burned Alive Largely By Pro-Government Forces: UN Report -- IBTimes
Amnesty accuses South Sudan of war crime over shipping container deaths -- The Guardian/AFP
South Sudan is dying, and nobody is counting -- AFP
South Sudan Troops Suffocated 60 Men, Boys, Amnesty Reports -- VOA
South Sudan: Women raped 'as reward for fighters' -- BBC
South Sudan troops systematically raped girls and women, U.N. says -- CNN
In South Sudan’s War, Mass Gang Rape Has Become an Everyday Weapon -- VICE News

1 comment:

Unknown said...


Now that Khartoum is no longer oppressing them, they have to factionalize and oppress themselves for scraps.

It takes peace and stability to build lasting wealth. All else is ephemeral plunder.