Fortress-like: The super-maximum-security federal prison in Florence, Colorado
New York Times: The Terrorists in U.S. Prisons
Republican leaders have blocked the closing of the prison at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, because they say they do not want terrorists held on United States soil. But American prisons currently hold 443 convicted terrorists, far more than the 89 men who remain imprisoned in Cuba.
The New York Times was able to confirm locations for about a third of the terrorists, shown on the map above. The Department of Justice would not release the names or locations of the other prisoners who had been convicted of terrorism.
The most notorious terrorists are being held in the maximum security sections of just a few federal prisons. But many others, serving lesser sentences for crimes like financing attacks or bomb hoaxes, are at facilities across the country.
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WNU Editor: I thought this information (on where these prisoners are being held) was classified .... apparently not. But giving groups like the Islamic State and Al Qaeda Google maps of their locations .... that is a bit too much. My "Spidey" sense is telling me that this is a White House leak, and being done to put pressure on Congress to close Guantanamo.
I believe - beyond a doubt - that Americans have more to fear from home-grown islamists cultivated inside our own prison system than we do from any outsiders. Putting these guys inside an already ripe environment filled with distrust and anger where communication among inmates is easier than you think will have negative consequences...
But then what else is there to do with them?
Other than "blacklisted" high risk prisoners, ( people who have been disappeared", the BoP is required, when asked by journalists, lawyers, families, doctors, to provide the location of the Prison the prisoner is being held at.
So, for "minor" and "medium" convictions of Acts under the Terrorism Acts, ( which may or may not be actual "terrorism", you simply work forward from the conviction.
Unlike Afghanistan, Syria, Iraq, Egypt etc, where special Military and Security Prisions have been set up to hold masses of "terrorists", in the US there are very few imprisoned "fighters", scattered across hundreds of individual prisons all across the US.
While an attack on an Afghan prison might suceed in freeing hundreds of "fighters" some who will "join the cause",
An attack on the average US prison would possibly free hundred of minority, non-violent drug offenders and maybe a "terrorist" or two.
This is all about the election year. A major donor class to the Democrats - trial lawyers - has been salivating at Gtmo detainees being released into the federal legal system since 2001. It will be a gift of millions (or more) for the lawyers on both sides of the case load, and this is an election year where Obama needs to pay off favors and the Dems need to get more donations for Hillary. Which is the reason the Republicans are fighting it, not for any principled or strategic reason.
Once again, Jay shows his true colors, YELLOW!
And once again, Anzio this early in the evening, shows he's deep into the drink yet again.
Just to put the "ususal suspects" of American Bedwetters at rest,
The # 1 SuperMax. With a total of 24 " terrorism" detainee's has 470 detainees, it has 160 guards, 78 State Police within 4 miles, and a local Sherriff's Department of 84.
The #1 and # 2 " terrorism" detainee's sold F-14 parts to Iran, not " good" ISIS cantidates,
The #3 Cantidate was N enforcer for the Tamils in Sri Lanka, not a good recruit,
#4 is the Shoe Bomber, ( al Quida not ISIS), too dumb to work a Bic lighter, probably not a good recruit,
#5, a Palistinian Charity Fundraiser and Conman, not a good cantidate,
#6, a Iranian/ American with schizophrenia and persecuted personality disorder, probablly not a good cantidate,
#7, 8 and 9, members of the Michigan Militia, ( definately not a good choice)
#10 , 11 and 12, mentally disabled Chicago junkies who thought that with the FBI's help, they could collapse the Freedom Bridge with angle grinders.
If you work for the other side you should be in a POW camp and not a federal pen.
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