Monday, May 16, 2016

After 50 Years Jesus' Baptism Site To Be Cleared Of Mines

CNN: Decades after war, churches near Jesus' baptism site to be cleared of mines

West Bank (CNN)On a sunburnt stretch of desert near the Jordan River, a weather-beaten Romanian Orthodox church waits for its first visitor in 50 years.

The gated entrance has long since fallen apart, its marble column leaning toward the morning sun. The path to the church -- if it ever was a path -- is a thick quilt of shrubs and thistles.

Despite being long abandoned, the church retains much of its historic beauty. A colorful mural of a scene from the Bible, half-visible above the entrance to the church, has dulled over time, but is still magnificent. The church door stands open as if ready to welcome the faithful.

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More News On Jesus' Baptism Site To Be Cleared Of Mines

New hope for Holy Land’s minefield churches -- BBC
British land mine charity made famous by Princess Diana wants to clear explosives from the site of Jesus Christ’s baptism -- The Telegraph
At Site of Jesus’ Baptism, Mine-Clearing Unlocks Holy Ground -- WSJ

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