Monday, June 13, 2016

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On The Orlando Night Club Massacre

Victor Davis Hanson, City Journal: Same Old, Same Old Horror

The Orlando massacre brings up familiar lessons that we never quite learn.

The aftermath of Islamist Afghan-American Omar Mateen’s murderous rampage against American gays seems disturbingly familiar, an echo of past themes that never stop playing—and lessons that never get learned. The post-911 debate over “why do they hate us” should have been settled long ago with a resounding “because of who we are,” rather than the refrain from the blame-America crowd—voiced from the Ron Paul libertarian Right to the Michael Moore Left—that the answer is “because of what we do.” Mateen did not cite the usual ISIS foreign policy boilerplate so much as reportedly express his furor over gay men kissing—suggesting that, like Mohammed Atta et al., he despised the essence of Western liberality and popular culture, yet, like a moth to a flame, was both repelled by it and attracted to it.

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Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials On the Orlando Night Club Massacre

The terror within, not without -- Peter Apps. Reuters
In Orlando, as in Paris, an attack on Western values -- Howard LaFranchi, CSM
Analysis: Trump and Clinton contrasts in Orlando response -- AP
What Orlando terror attack means for Clinton, Trump and 2016 -- Julian E. Zelizer, CNN
How Trump, Clinton, and Other US Politicians Reacted to the Orlando Attack -- VICE News
Trump's Bluster About Radical Islam Helps Radical Islam -- Eli Lake
Orlando massacre: ‘ISIS capitalizing on lone-wolf attacks inspired by terror propaganda’ -- RT
How Orlando terror attack fits a trend -- Henry Gass, CSM
Orlando shooting exposes so many of America’s faultlines -- Gary Younge, The Guardian
Orlando gay nightclub shooting 'an act of terror and hate' -- BBC
Jihad Denial Kills…Again -- John R. Schindler, Observer
Did a delay in police response give shooter more time? -- Lisa Marie Pane, AP
How do U.S. gun laws compare to other countries? -- Jonathan Masters, PBS News Hour/Council on Foreign relations
Guns? Terrorism? Hate crime? Media go to their corners in reporting on Orlando. - Margaret Sullivan, Washington Post
A New Way Forward After Orlando -- Max Boot, Commentary
Why can't Obama just tell Americans the truth about the Orlando attack and radical Islam? -- Pete Hoekstra, FOX News
Omar Mateen, Lone-Wolf Terrorist -- Daniel Byman, Slate

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