Thursday, January 26, 2017

Doomsday Clock Has Been Moved Closer To 'Midnight'. The Election Of Donald Trump Is Being Blamed

Washington Post: The Doomsday Clock just moved again. It’s now two-and-a-half minutes to ‘midnight.’

It's now two-and-a-half minutes to “midnight,” according to the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, which warned Thursday that the end of humanity may be nigh.

The group behind the famed Doomsday Clock announced at a news conference that it was adjusting the countdown to the End of it All by taking away 30 seconds — the closest the clock has been to Doomsday since 1953, after the United States tested its first thermonuclear device, followed months later by the Soviet Union's hydrogen bomb test.

In announcing that the Doomsday Clock was moving 30 seconds closer to the end of humanity, the group noted that in 2016, “the global security landscape darkened as the international community failed to come effectively to grips with humanity’s most pressing existential threats, nuclear weapons and climate change.”

But the organization also cited the election of Donald Trump in changing the symbolic clock.

Read more ....

WNU editor: So the Doomsday Clock is now closer to midnight than what it was during the height of the Cold War .... and the reason why is because of President Trump. Being one who grew up during the Cold War .... and being one who is well aware of the rhetoric of the time .... President Trump's remarks on nuclear weapons do not even come close to what was being said at the time (i.e. Khrushchev's 'I will bury you speech', to President Kennedy's remarks during the Cuban Missile Crisis). To say that this group has become politicised is an understatement .... too bad .... the idea of the Doomsday Clock was a good one when it first came out (i.e. to make the world aware on the dangers of nuclear weapons). But like everything else in today's world, everything is becoming politicised to express one's personal political opinions .... and in turn they have lost their credibility.

More News On Doomsday Clock Being Moved Closer To 'Midnight'

The Doomsday Clock is now two-and-a-half minutes from midnight marking the closest we've come to global CATASTROPHE in 64 years -- Daily Mail
Doomsday Clock Moves Closer to Midnight, Signaling Concern Among Scientists -- NYT
Atomic scientists move Doomsday Clock ahead to 2½ minutes to midnight -- CBC
Doomsday Clock Ticks 30 Seconds Closer to Global Annihilation Thanks to Trump, Scientists Say -- NBC
Doomsday Clock moves closer to midnight -- CBS
The Doomsday Clock Is Now 30 Seconds Closer To Midnight -- NPR
Doomsday Clock ticks closer to midnight amid nuclear fears, climate change -- USA Today
Thanks to Trump, the Doomsday Clock Advances Toward Midnight -- NYT


Anonymous said...

"But like everything else in today's world, everything is becoming politicised to express one's personal political opinions .... and in turn they have lost their credibility."

They've only lost their credibility with a certain segment of the population. A large portion of the people still take these organizations seriously, which could be dangerous down the road.

B.Poster said...


Your comments are spot on. Actually Mr. Trump has proposed trying to improve relations with Russia. If he can pull this off, this would remove tremendous pressure from everyone. If this were a serious organization, they would view the election of Mr. Trump as a positive in this regard and would move the clock further away from midnight.

Caecus said...

Well, it is chaired by Dr. Krauss..

jimbrown said...

Soros bought the doomsday clock a few years ago. If you want a t shirt with the doomsday clock image you have to go him.

jimbrown said...

Soros bought the doomsday clock a few years ago. If you want a t shirt with the doomsday clock image you have to go him.

RussInSoCal said...

What will they do when they actually do move it to midnight and there's no "Earth Shattering Kaboom'?

B.Poster said...


I know. When this happens they will lose all remaining credibility assuming they still have any or ever really had any. Then when there really is something people need to worry about they won't pay any attention to such people.

While team Clinton is recklessly and stupidly blaming the Russians for interference in the presidential election with no evidence other than "just trust me", the Obama Administration is stupidly placing sanctions on Russia, and doing this all while speaking in a condescending toward Russia and its leadership the so called doomsday clock does not change.

Then when the US elects a president who openly discusses the need to improve relations with Russia, picks team members who have close relations with the Russians raising the possibility of actually being able to facilitate this, selects a pick for Secretary of State who negotiated a huge oil deal with the Russians while with Exxon Mobil, and is respected by them, this is considered bad by the people who maintain the clock!!

I suppose should Mr. Tilleson be confirmed, the sanctions are lifted, and this 500 billion dollar oil deal that would be hugely beneficial to both countries goes through obviously tensions between the US and Russia would be lowered and these people are going to move the "clock" closer to "midnight.: These people are beyond demented or perhaps they are to stupid to know they are stupid.

D.Plowman said...

If Hillary had won, the Doomsday Clock would not be in the news. It wouldn't have moved forward.

Just another group jumping on the 'Hate Trump Bandwagon'...

Bob Huntley said...

Doomsday clock seems something like ground hog day.