Tuesday, January 10, 2017

President-Elect Trump Responds To The Report That He Was "Cultivated, Supported And Assisted" By Russia

Previous Post: U.S. Intelligence Chiefs Told President-Elect Trump That Russia Is Attempting to Compromise Him

WNU Editor: My guess is that President-Elect Trump is specifically reacting to this .... Russia has evidence of 'perverted acts' committed by Donald Trump: unconfirmed reports (Sydney Morning Herald). But in a sign on how bizarre this story is becoming .... some are now admitting that this entire story is made-up .... Did 4Chan Troll The CIA? (Christine Rousselle, Townhall). If this story is actually a made-up story .... the media executives and their reporters who pushed it and the intelligence community chiefs who endorsed it should be fired. But in the event that the story is true .... the U.S. will have a very strange President in the Oval Office. My prediction .... there is no proof .... just talk and allegations and no one is going to be fired. But the damaged has been done .... there has been a full court press in the past few weeks among the media/political establishment/and pundit class to deligitimise President-elect Trump .... and it is working.


Jay Farquharson said...

"The Trump campaign worked behind the scenes last week to make sure the new Republican platform won’t call for giving weapons to Ukraine to fight Russian and rebel forces, contradicting the view of almost all Republican foreign policy leaders in Washington.

Throughout the campaign, Trump has been dismissive of calls for supporting the Ukraine government as it fights an ongoing Russian-led intervention. Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort, worked as a lobbyist for the Russian-backed former Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych for more than a decade."


Russian Sanctions fall next, both Obama's recent ones, the Ukraine ones, the Crimean ones, and the Magnisky Act.

Expect an outbreak of pulonium cases in the DC area by spring, in the Republican Party.

Anonymous said...

Yeah the Ukraine fiasco was Hillary's war, not sure Trump wants anything to do with that, in fact I'm sure he'd rather pee on a mattress than get any deeper into that mess.

Anonymous said...

amidst clear and obvious fake news, one would have the audacity to promote even more.....the left is grasping for anything but the truth.

Jay Farquharson said...

58% of elected Republicans do.

Anonymous said...

Neocons and Neoliberls unite!

Jay Farquharson said...

It's great to see all the KA12's coming out of deep cover.

Jay Farquharson said...



Jay Farquharson said...

You're behind the curve.

4-chan's Stormfront's baby brother.


They are just LUTZing the rubes.

Unknown said...

If this was a 4chan fanfiction that they published, then the media has come out looking stupid once again when covering Trump. There inherent bias, their lack of fact checkers (aka journalism), and their desire to be the first to present a story is destroying them. There is a reason legacy media is becoming widely ignored. Way to go verifying sources. Do editors even review news stories anymore, or can writers just post things themselves these days.

Unknown said...

If this was a 4chan fanfiction that they published, then the media has come out looking stupid once again when covering Trump. There inherent bias, their lack of fact checkers (aka journalism), and their desire to be the first to present a story is destroying them. There is a reason legacy media is becoming widely ignored. Way to go verifying sources. Do editors even review news stories anymore, or can writers just post things themselves these days.

Unknown said...

You all may have already seen this, but if you haven't, some good info here. Found the Victoria Nuland audio very interesting. https://youtu.be/fWkfpGCAAuw

Jay Farquharson said...

The 2 page summary is "real",

ZeroHedge is the only one that "fell for" anything.

And quoting 4-chan on anything, is a joke, might as well cite Sorcha Faal,

It's a symptom of how far from a post fact society we have become when the rubes are seizing on a claim by a bunch of internet filth who get off offending and harassing people online, that they "spoofed" the CIA, as refutation of the CIA.


H.L. Mencken
“No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public.”

As you didn't bother to read the rational wiki, here's some of the meat,

"[edit]/pol/ - Politically incorrect
A cesspool of hate, this board was born out of /b/ and the earlier (and now-deleted) /news/ imageboard which were over-saturated with conspiracy nuts and white nationalists. Everybody got tired of their shit and set up /pol/ as a new containment board. (Sound familiar?) That, and people had had their fill of anus pictures being side by side with news posts.
/pol/ is 4chan's political board, filled with white supremacists (some of them overt, some feigning irony for recruitment), neo-Nazis, neoreactionaries, alt-righters, and trolls who just pretend to be white supremacists — though it can be quite difficult to tell the difference. Along with Gamergate, "/pol/lacks" have also started various redpilling campaigns on Twitter. The general thrust of the movement is promoting a hysterical "war on masculinity", buying ad space to post messages urging transgender people to commit suicide,[5] or just trying to make feminists and other activists look foolish, most notably the #EndFathersDay false flag campaign[6] The Gamergate hashtag "#NotYourShield", meant to show that Gamergate was not just made up of angry white kids, was also concocted on /pol/."

Anonymous said...

The golden era of objective reporting is gone, all that's left is opinion based unchecked crap coming from the leftist mind.

America voted for trump and Hillary lost, game over. The more the left and the outgoing admin cry/spin lies only affirms trumps presidency.

Until it can be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt that Russian cyber tactics/tools were responsible for actual election manipulation then this is all under a fake premise that only exists in the minds of ppl unwilling to admit defeat.

Jay Farquharson said...

"3. So what does this leave us with? Two different things. The first is the CNN reporting about the two page annex/appendix to the IC’s classified report and briefings to the President, President-elect, and Gang of Eight. The second is the report that Buzzfeed posted. At this stage I think the former is solid reporting. CNN wouldn’t have run it without vetting that the annex/appendix was indeed part of the IC’s classified report. It confirms and then furthers David Corn’s reporting from the end of October 2016 and, to some extent, some of Kurt Eichenwald’s reporting from the beginning of November 2016.

The second is the report Buzzfeed posted. This is alleged to be the source document for the two page annex/appendix to the IC’s classified report on Russian interference in the 2016 US elections. At this point there is not enough information to confirm or deny the veracity of the report that Buzzfeed posted or if it is, indeed, the basis for the annex/appendix to the IC’s report. Buzzfeed referred to the report this way, which I also directly quoted and attributed to them in the update to my earlier post this evening:"


It's been confirmed by Republicans who commissioned some of the Oppo Research, and others, that some of what is contained in the Buzzfeed report, ( which may or may be the Intel Annex), is material they are aware of.

So, 4-chans full of it.

Jay Farquharson said...

LMAO, another stormer rages away.


The Kubler Ross model doesn't really apply to the cucks, snowflakes and teabaggers.

Jay Farquharson said...


358 to 58


US funding for "revolutions" in the Ukraine go back to the Clinton Administration and are bipartizan measures carried out by the National Endowment for Democracy, the International Republican Congress and other arms if the so-called "Democracy" promotion.

B.Poster said...

We cannot "know" if the summary is "real" or not without further information. For the media and the "Intelligence" personnel to say "trust us" is not good enough. Given it's massive past failures which include but are not limited Iraq, this is not a trustworthy group. This includes the Brits who failed on Iraq as well.

In order to properly evaluate this, everything needs to be declassified, all personnel involved with the intelligence on this need to be interviewed publically, and all methods and sources made public subject to independent analysis. The stakes are simply to to high to do otherwise. Failure to do this and the personnel involved shouldn't be taken seriously. The failure to do so very likely indicates the whole thing is false. Otherwise we would have seen all this by now. 4Chan is very likely a distraction.

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

main response from troll: LMAO
