Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Top U.S. Intel Chiefs Are Testifying For The Second Time This Week At A U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee On Russian Hacking

Reuters: Report on Russian hacking relied on human sources, technical collection: U.S. spy chief

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper said on Tuesday the U.S. intelligence community's report concluding that Russia orchestrated hacks during the 2016 presidential campaign was based on a mix of human sources, collection of technical data and open-source information.

Clapper, speaking before the Senate Intelligence Committee, said much of the report is classified due to a need to protect sensitive sources and methods.

In an assessment released last week, U.S. intelligence agencies said Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an effort to help Republican Donald Trump's electoral chances by discrediting Democrat Hillary Clinton in the 2016 campaign.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper, CIA Director John Brennan, NSA Director Admiral Michael Rogers and FBI Director James Comey are present at today's meeting (as of this time  .... 17:00 EST .... the hearing is still ongoing). I will be updating this story later tonight.

More News On Today's US Senate Intelligence Committee Hearing On Russian Hacking

Russian Hackers Gained 'Limited' Access to RNC, Comey says -- New York Times
FBI Director Testifies on Russia Hacking, Opens Door to Grilling on Clinton Email Probe -- ABC News
FBI's Comey: Republicans also hacked by Russia -- CNN
Comey: FBI denied repeated requests to access DNC servers, Podesta’s device -- FOX News
James Comey: DNC denied FBI direct access to servers during Russia hacking probe -- Washington Times
FBI Director Comey: Agency requested access to DNC servers -- CBS
Pro-Trump Senators Back Intelligence Officials on Hacking Report -- NBC
Democrat criticizes Obama for slow response to Russian hacks -- AP
Majority of Americans believe Russia was behind DNC hack -- Politico


James said...

So now they are reporting a two page synopsis that is derived from Democrat/Republican opposition research memos as "proof" of not only Russian influencing but Russian and Trump active collusion.

James said...

The errors in this report are beyond the silly threshold. Anyone who believes this has a rather unusual outlook on facts, it's called stupid.

War News Updates Editor said...

James, my 8:00 PM post is on that CNN report. There are some people who are truly scared with what is happening .... if not panic .... hence the ridiculous news coverage that we are witnessing.

Jay Farquharson said...

The buzzfeed story including a link to the two page summary


The summary:


Unknown said...


B.Poster said...

So far at least not to many people seem to be falling for this "stupid." "Panic" may be an apt word. I'm not sure.

In any event, the top international priority should be to try and improve relations with Russia. There exists deep mistrust on both sides. As such, having someone as POTUS, if he has "ties" to the Russian leadership would actually be helpful as he might be someone they could trust. In order to conduct negotiations, an important aspect is going to be to take steps to bring about an atmosphere of trust. As such, this might not be such a bad thing, if it's true.

Given the prior failure of US Intel, it's problematic to trust them on pretty much anything. If they are going to continue on this road, substantial justification is needed as extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof and the stakes are extremely high. they need to release the entire report in full, the report needs to be analyzed and studied by outside sources, all participants both in preparing the report and gathering the information need to be thoroughly questioned, and all methods and sources need to be made public. Before we exacerbate Cold War 2 further, a war we may not be able to win, there needs to be a very good reason. Protecting the Clintons, Democrats, and/or Republican opposition simply is not a good enough reason to do this.

Anonymous said...

Shoo boiyaaa roll call!!