Sunday, January 22, 2017

Will U.S. Allies Withhold Intelligence Because Of President Trump's Overtures To Russia? (Updated)

Trump waves as he leaves the CIA headquarters on Saturday afternoon. Earlier in the day, Trump and his family attended a national prayer service traditionally held for the new president. (Carlos Barria/Reuters)

Politico: U.S. spies fear allies will stop sharing intel under Russia-friendly Trump

Trump's overtures to Russia have stoked concerns that long-cherished ties with European intelligence counterparts could become strained.

Now that Donald Trump is officially its commander-in-chief, America’s foreign allies are being forced to grapple with a highly sensitive question: Is it still safe to share information with U.S. intelligence agencies?

The global spy community — a fractious world where friends, frenemies and sometimes enemies often enter alliances of convenience — always holds its breath when a new U.S. president takes office. But Trump is an anomaly even for a group used to strange things. The new president, who is due to visit the CIA headquarters on Saturday, has spent weeks insulting the intelligence agencies he now oversees. He also has pushed for warmer ties with Russia, a country that several European states view as a dangerous aggressor, and which U.S. intelligence officials have had difficulty coordinating with in the past.

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WNU Editor: This story on withholding intelligence has been making the rounds for the past week. its not going to happen as I had mentioned in this post a few days ago .... Will America's Allies Withhold Intelligence Because Of Donald Trump? (January 16, 2017)


B.Poster said...

US "intel" is essentially incompetent. As for that of "allies", who cares what they think. They aren't really allies and will hurt us at any chance they get, are actively seeking chanches to do so, doing so means acvancement and vast wealth for whoever

fred said...

Poster: we are no good and our allies are worthless. Guess what? You have nothing to offer

B.Poster said...

HB: US personnel died in YOUR wars. Americans have been "dumb" but even dumb people eventually catch on. NATO members snd Western Europe are NOT US allies. They are enemies and need to be dealt with as such. While "western" European natikns are not as bad as the former eastern bloc and former Soviet Republics, they are definitely NOT allies.

The dumb Americans are beginning to catch on. The day will come when neither they nor their leaders will allow you and yours to use, abuse, and disrespect them nor will they allow you to use them as pawns in your power struggles. While this day will come, as far as I'm concerned, the day cannot come soon enough.

Fred: US Intel is incompetent. This is easily documented. Furthermore the US government leaks like a sieve with little or no accountability to the leakers. In such an environment, getting even your best friend to share intel witb you is hoing to be problematic at best. As for those who really don't like and wish you harm, getting them to share intel with you is going to be even more problematic. I've long recognized this problem.

As a person with a business background, DJT will understand the need to prreserve certain secrets. As such, I expect the leaking issue to be dealt with and as we show we can be trusted I'd expect people would be less reluctant to share things with us.

As for western Europeans, they don't like DJT. Surely they would not be so petty as to not share intel where American national security is concerned based on their dislike for him. Then again they might be. HRC would have continued allowing these people to use us as pawns. DJT may not and I think this has them worried.

You are correct in that we have nothing to offer them, at least without seriously undermining ourselves. As such, I look forward to the day that we and US leaders tell them in no uncertain terms, GO AWAY, LEAVE US ALONE, AND ALLOW US TO LIVE IN PEACE!!

While America has allowed these people to abuse, manipulate, and use us and we fully expect to reap negative consequences as a result, western European and eastern European NATO "allies" should not be so arrogant as to think they are going to escape completely unscathed.