Saturday, February 11, 2017

CIA Gives Medal To Saudi Crown Prince For His Role In Fighting Terrorism

The medal, named after George Tenet, was handed to him by CIA Director Micheal Pompeo after the Crown Prince received him in Riyadh. (SPA)

Al Arabiya: CIA honors Saudi Crown Prince for efforts against terrorism

The Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Nayef bin Abdulaziz al-Saud, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior, received a medal on Friday from the CIA for his distinct intelligence-related counter-terrorism work and his contributions to ensure international peace and security.

The medal, named after George Tenet, was handed to him by CIA Director Micheal Pompeo after the Crown Prince received him in Riyadh on Friday in the presence of Deputy Crown Prince Mohammad bin Salman al-Saud, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Defense.

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WNU Editor: Sorry ..... when I think of all the radical groups that Saudi Arabia supported over the years .... directly or indirectly .... in my book no Saudi official should be honoured in such a manner.


Anonymous said...


Caecus said...

What a farce.

Unknown said...

It's really for doing the USA's bidding and supporting terrorists and US policy in the region. Working together just like in the 80's in Afghanistan.

B.Poster said...


Very respectfully if you really believe that Saudi Arabia does US bidding I will sell you some beach front property in Arizona and I will throw in the Golden Gate Bridge free of charge!!

While it may be true that the US does Saudi bidding, your assertion of Saudi Arabia doing US bidding is not true. This is insane and a farce.

US leaders do live in abject tertor of the Saudis. In such an environment, insanity and farces are certainly plausible.

Every time I think of Saudi Arabia I think "15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers." Lately I've added to this "why wasn't Saudi Arabia included in the ban that DJT and his team recently tried to implement?" I think I know the answer to that question. It serms the abject terror Americann leaders have of Saudia Arabia has spread to DJT and his team as well.