Saturday, February 11, 2017

Have Migrants From President Trump's 7 Country Ban Been Convicted Of Terrorism?


Washington Examiner: Report: 72 convicted of terrorism from 'Trump 7' mostly Muslim countries

Since 9/11, 72 individuals from the seven mostly Muslim countries covered by President Trump's "extreme vetting" executive order have been convicted of terrorism, bolstering the administration's immigration ban.

According to a report out Saturday, at least 17 claimed to be refugees from those nations, three came in as "students," and 25 eventually became U.S. citizens.

The Center for Immigration Studies calculated the numbers of convicted terrorists from the Trump Seven:

Read more ....

Update: Did The Judges Lie: New Report Finds 72 Terrorists Came From Countries Covered By Trump Ban (Zero Hedge)

WNU Editor: I am more surprised by the 580 people who have convicted in terror cases in the U.S. since 9/11 .... not the 72 from Presdient Trump's list.


Unknown said...

The U.S. really needed to devote the resource for the extra 12% to 14% of additional terrorists.

It is not like we have lots of prison space or unclogged courts.

Some European countries cannot keep track of all the terrorist suspects. They do not have the money or people.

I guess that is what the STUPID LIBERLA MOTHERFUCKER judges of the 9th circuit court of appeals want.

The American Bar association gives the 9th a C+ rating, the lowest.

It is the most overturned court percentage-wise than any court except the federal court of appeals.

We should trade the 9th circuit to Putin for Snowden.


Jay Farquharson said...

Unknown said...

So little missy JabberJay gave up on arguing the temporary ban people from Libya, Yemen, Somalia, Iraq and Syria.

That is little Jabber gave up o 5 of 7 countries.

'lil Jabber wants to argue wants to argue about Sudan.
- This is the country that harbored Osama bin Laden for years.
- This is the country that kills Muslims (Dharfur), Christians and polytheistic Africans.
- The country has slavery.
- Sudan harbours Gama'at al-Islamiyya terrorists.

Iran harbors Al Qaeda terrorists to this day.

we trust that country's records?

'lol JabberJay is one Hell of a fucktard straight from Central Casting.

Jay do you still send Osama mash notes?