Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Is Canada Souring On Multiculturalism?

People attend a vigil for victims of the Quebec City mosque shooting in Montreal on Monday. (RYAN REMIORZ / THE CANADIAN PRESS)

Ng Weng Hoong, Asia Times: Canada at 150: Hate crimes and the Chinese question

As it turns 150 years old in 2017, Canada faces a surge in hate crimes amid growing nativist anger against Chinese migrants, Muslim refugees, and public officials for their alleged role in worsening the country’s socio-economic conditions, said community leaders and analysts.

After years of hibernation, extremism and xenophobia in Canada are waking to the new fiery anti-globalisation tide that has swept Donald Trump into the US White House and Britain to vote to leave the European Union. As in other parts of the world, a new generation of Canadian politicians and activists is riding on populist anger fuelled by a mix of declining public trust in elected officials, past ethnic animosities, and unbalanced media reporting.

In separate interviews, Ryan Scrivens, a PhD scholar studying right-wing extremism, politicians, community workers, church leaders and anti-fascist activists said liberal Canada should prepare for an uncertain socio-political climate that will become more hostile towards diversity and minorities with the possibility of ethnically targeted violence.

Read more ....

WNU Editor: The author focuses on British Colombia .... but in my part of Canada (Quebec and eastern Ontario) .... hostility towards immigrants/refugees/non-white-francophones in Quebec/etc. are at levels that I (as an immigrant) have never seen .... especially from French Quebec. And while the Canadian media is playing up the image that we are unified society that favours multiculturalism .... especially after the mosque massacre in Quebec City last week .... my reality on the ground is the complete opposite. As for BC .... I do have a close friend who lived in Richmond. She moved there in 1995 and loved living there. But because she and her husband could not afford a home .... as well as other issues (work, not feeling comfortable in the community that they were in, etc.) .... they moved to Alberta two years ago. Is she bitter on how Richmond has changed .... yes .... and what is surprising is that she herself is an immigrant from Hungary.


Jay Farquharson said...

I'm fine with it,

And while "rich immigrant's" are "blamed" for Vancouver real estate prices,

It's bs.

Google Silicon Valley.

And it's not sandwiched between two mountain ranges and a river valley.

Bought my first home in Burnaby for $64k,

Sold it for $214k,

Bought a new home near Deer Lake, for $280k

Just before the divorce, $980K, assesment

Crash, sold it for $212k,

Bought a house in Maple Ridge for $110k,

Sold it for $480k which allowed me to buy 160 acres and a house south of Kamloops for $139k,

My brother moved 2 years ago from a $540k house in Sapporton,

To a 5 bedroom just over the border in Brurnaby, just shy of $1,000k

In contrast, I made $150k a year in YVR while the wife made $70k,

In Kamloops, in a good year, we make $70k.

Caecus said...

At least you can afford to pay jizya, when the shariah is imposed :-D

Unknown said...

Multi-kult-uralism does not exist.

Things blend sooner or later.

I live in a so called multi-cultural house. There is only one way of doing things. There might be more items on the menu come dinnertime, a few languages spoken, but there is only way of doing things.

D.Plowman said...

@Aizino Smith

Yeah, way to go there.. Basing your logic on your living arrangements.

Multiculturalism doesn't exist for you, in your small little household, but it certainly does elsewhere.

Perhaps leaving your man-cave once in awhile might shed some light on the subject for you.

RussInSoCal said...

Multiculturalism is another word for segregation. People divide and live is areas where only their nationality/ethnicity is predominant. Creating division and hatred for other semi-cloistered demos. Its not working out too well for Europe or Canada.

In the US we used to call it a melting pot.

Chase jones said...

U only have one culture and that is your legacy that was fought for and died for only weak sissy followers let there culture be trampled. There is not any amount of human lives worth my familys culture and pride of our history.

Chase jones said...
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Unknown said...


"Yeah, way to go there.. Basing your logic on your living arrangements."

I am basing it on my study of language, human psychology, biology, and physics.

If I look to my own family (two of them) as an example, so be it. 

I lived in America do Sul and say how Dutch and Italians blended there.  The only thing that did blend all the way was Chinatown and that might as well over time.