Saturday, July 1, 2017

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- June 1, 2017

Tom Phillips, The Guardian: ‘We wanted democracy’: is Hong Kong's two-systems experiment over?

As China tightens its grip on the city over which British rule ended 20 years ago, pro-democracy activists are still fighting against erosion of freedoms

For President Xi Jinping, the 20th anniversary of Hong Kong’s return to China is a moment to toast the reunification of a nation and hail its unstoppable rise. But for activists such as Eddie Chu, one of the leading lights of a new generation of pro-democracy politicians, it has become an occasion for something quite different.

Read more ....

Commentaries, Analysis, And Editorials -- July 1, 2017

Hong Kong's twenty years under Chinese rule – A failed project? -- Hans Spross, DW

HK’s role for next 20 years? Silk Road ‘super-connector’ -- Pepe Escobar, Asia Times

How Iran Recruited Afghan Refugees to Fight Assad’s War -- Ali M. Latifi, NYT

Analysis: Can IS be ousted from Syria without Assad’s help? -- Zeina Karam and Josh Lederman, AP

Al Qaeda's Base in Yemen -- Maher Farrukh, Critical Threats

Five ways Erdogan has destroyed Turkey’s military -- Michael Rubin, AEI

Trump ups the pressure as North Korea endgame looms -- L. Todd Wood, Washington Times

Trump Cools on China -- Dimitri Alexander Simes, National Interest

Two Asia Hands Clash Over the Future of US Strategy in the Region -- Hugh White and Ely Ratner, War on the Rocks

Party’s over: India brings millions of firms into tax net -- Asia Times/Reuters

'Whoever Controls Benghazi Controls Libya' -- Frederic Wehrey, The Atlantic

'Funding Isis? He still gets pocket money from me': doubts over Egypt crackdown -- Ruth Michaelson, The Guardian

If you think the EU should stand up to Trump, then it must stand up to China -- Natalie Nougayrède, The Guardian

To Compare Russia and Ukraine, Look in the Trash -- Leonid Bershidsky, Bloomberg

For Russia, Putin Power Is Losing Some of Its Shine
-- Stratfor

What the EU antitrust ruling could mean for Google search -- Amar Toor, Verge

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